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Table of Contents


I tell what changes I have made and not made.


A new definition of pedagogy and a new definition of critical pedagogy begin this section. The introduction includes more personal stories, some of them painful, of my real world. You will learn why I once dropped out of college. The journey of Jonathan continues as he enters his teenage years.    Excerpt

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1. Critical Pedagogy: How In The World Did I Get Into This?

New chapter notes have been added.

2. Critical Pedagogy: What In The World Is It?

New chapter notes have been added.

3. Critical Pedagogy: Where In The World Did It Come From?

Much of this chapter is the same; however, those who have read the first edition will want to read additions on Freire.

New chapter notes have been added.

Zone of Proximal Development
What does a Vygotskian Class Look Like?

4. Critical Pedagogy: How In The World Do You Do It?

This chapter, the methods chapter, has signifcant additions and changes which focus on bilingual and multilingual education. Much of this chapter is a reflection of my teaching and learning with international students in Mallorca, Spain.    Excerpt

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5. Critical Pedagogy: Why In The World Does It Matter?

Much of this chapter is the same; however, those who read the first edition might want to read the story about Buttercup and power.    Excerpt

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Bibliography * Index