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Learning with Your Kids at Home: Some Resources

Learning with Your Kids at Home: Some Resources

March 18, 2020

Dear WinkWorld Readers, 

In what follows I will share a few resources, which you might want to use at home, while the schools are closed.  I will call your attention to stories, free e-books, free coloring books,  virtual field trips, and even a teacher, who you might find helpful.


If you simply type into Google, Storytime, you will find many, many locations for stories for all ages. Also, the website for your local library will certainly have stories and other resources for you.

School Library Journal (storytime pages) – just one of my favorites.

Donalyn Miller and Teri Lesesne often have many great resources on Facebook.

Many teachers are reading aloud for their individual classes now.  Patricia Polacco granted permission for teachers to read her stories (see her on Facebook).  I tend to search YouTube for an author reading her own story, as I did in the last WinkWorld with Mem Fox reading Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge.

Here is Mem reading Good Night, Sleep Tight.

In the photo below, you can see that little Cora found her storytime without a computer.



The stories of Mem Fox often remind me of the stories of Alma Flor Ada (just Google her).  In this video below, Alma Flor talks about how she learned to read, when her grandmother wrote words in the dirt with a stick as they walk about their farm.   Hopefully, some of you, adults, will enjoy hearing Alma Flor’s  literacy story. 

Two more digital stories from Missy Urbaniak and me, which we created to share with the Atall students.

First, Missy and Crow Boy, a story which I just love. 

And, second, another story I love, If You Are Not From The Prairies.

Free e-Books

Your local library.

Scribid is free right now.

Redshelf has many free titles right now.

Free Coloring Books from Museums

Many museums have opened their collections and have created free coloring books which you can download.  More seem to becoming available daily.  This one below, I believe, is specific for Google docs.

Virtual Trips

Want to visit a farm?

Want to visit the San Diego Zoo and other amazing places?

A Teacher Offering His Services in Secondary Science and Math!

The last time I was with Darren Hayes, he was a teeny-bopper in one of my classes in Benson, AZ.  Since that time, he has gone on to have a wonderful career in TX as a secondary teacher. I noticed on Facebook that Darren offered to help families with secondary students working on science and math. Darren has had 22 years of teaching experience (Chemistry, Biology, Secondary Forensics, and Homebound Algebra 2 and Physics). Darren can be reached at:

Thank you, Darren!


Below you can see that Tinley, who lives on a neighboring ranch, is doing her “homework.”

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