Fourth Edition
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Table of Contents
- Preface
- The Purpose
- Organization
- What Has Changed Since the Previous Edition?
- New to This Edition
- What Has Changed in This Edition
- Of Pronouns and Progress
- What Has Not Changed and Why
- Where Are They Now?
Introduction: Welcome to My Real World
- Kids, cows, and computers…
- Pivotal Personal and Professional Experiences
- I Dropped Out
- Contradictions and Change
- Looking Ahead for Elusive Answers
1. Why in the World Does Critical Pedagogy Matter?
- The Lesson of Dayna: One Size Does Not Fit All
- History Helps: Three Perspectives
- The Benson Kids: Teaching Is Learning
- The Reflective Cycle, An Overview: More Learning, Relearning, and Unlearning
- The Reflective Cycle and You
2. What in the World Is Critical Pedagogy?
- A Word About Language
- Dawn Does Critical Pedagogy
- Le Does Critical Pedagogy
- What’s in a Name?
- Language of Possibility, Language of Critique
- Vygotsky: Reaching Back to Move Forward
- Word by Word
- Banking Model of Education
- Conscientization
- Codification
- Culture
- Cultural Capital
- Dialectic
- Dialogue
- Discourse
- Hegemony
- Hidden Curriculum
- Literacies
- Pedagogy
- Praxis
- Problem Posing
- To Groom
- To Name
- To Marginalize
- Schooling, or to School
- To Silence
- To Socialize
- Voice
- Reflective Cycle
3. Where in the World Did Critical Pedagogy Come From?
- The Tree Continues to Grow
- The Latin Voice
- The European Voice
- The Eastern Voice
- The North American Voice
- The Historical Evolution of Critical Pedagogy
- The African American Voice: Group Solidarity
- The Benson Kids Again
- Reflective Cycle
4. How in the World Do You Do Critical Pedagogy?
- Thinking about Practice
- So How Do You Do Critical Pedagogy?
- The Essence Is in the Experience
- Popcorn
- Pair Share
- Dialogue Journal
- Bloom’s Taxonomies
- Teaching and Learning in the Desert
- Four Corners
- The Messenger and the Scribe
- Comprehending/Comprehension
- Problem-Posing Activity: Literacy
- The Mess
- Library Mapping
- Reflective Cycle
5. Where in the World Do We Go From Here?
- Who Are the Students?
- From Critical Literacy to Multiliteracies
- The Pedagogy of a Caring Heart and Critical Eyes
- Pedagogy of Courage and Patience
- Time, Time, Time
- From Buttercup to Power
- Teachers Taught Me, Too
- Models of Parental Involvement
- Family Graph
- Putting the Home Back in Homework
- Reflection to Action
- School Families
- Now Here Is the Point
- To Make a Difference
- Your Final Reflection