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75: I highly recommend it.

75: I highly recommend it.

April 1, 2019

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

The Wink family March Madness Birthday Bash has finally come to a successful end–much to the relief of all of the Fall Wink babies…. However, it was a month-long love fest, and I  thank you from the bottom of my heart and my hard-drive for all of the amazing messages on my special birthday.  I am feeling the love.  Luke, Wyatt, Wyatt’s friend, Natasha, Dawn all have March birthdays, too.  In addition, I think it is also way cool that I can share my birthday with Big Bird and the first day of spring. 

Dawn and fam were able to come to Tucson to celebrate with us. Bo and fam could not get away from work/school, but they sent a great early a.m. message which noted that I hit 75 with a “strong head of steam behind me.”  Cracked me up.  When I was 62, I was diagnosed with two different types of cancer, and I did not think I would see 63. I feel so grateful to be healthy and active still.

A special shout-out to my former TCNJ/Mallorca colleagues, friends, students whose messages started pouring in from all over the world right after midnight. Here are a few of the birthday photos.

A dinner at our favorite Blue Willow in Tucson.

University of Arizona library.

Mary Ann Dobras and I–friends since the mid-70s, when I got lost going to church one Sunday and quickly pulled into the nearest church, and met her and family: Friends for Life.

Darryl Dobras and Dean

University of AZ Comedy Club to cheer wildly for Luke.

Super moon over Tucson the morning of my birthday.

Tousled and happy.

Of course, we also had to celebrate RBG’s 86th birthday by planking on campus.

One part of the great birthday party was a trip to Kartchner Caverns.  When I was teaching in Benson years ago, I taught many of the Kartchner kids, when this unbelievable cave was still a family secret. 

When we came back to the ranch, we went to Mobridge to celebrate Betty Jay’s special 93rd birthday.

In addition, we were happy to take part in the celebration of Life of Betty (Cuz) Larson, who died during her 99th year. We love that we can go and spend time with the friends of many decades in Mobridge.

Memories of my birthday:

75: I highly recommend it.

Kartchner Caverns: I highly recommend it.

To celebrate this special year in my life, I finally decided to read the entire Harry Potter series in order to know what my grandkids are referring to.  The truth is that I have been a reluctant reader when it comes to fantasy books, and I have only read bits and pieces of the Potter series.  However, I now know Harry, Hagrid, Hedwig and Hermione.  In addition, I know the difference among Gryffindor, HufflePuff, Slytherin, and Ravinclaw. I have met Professors Quirrel, Dumbledore, and McGonagall.  Turns out that the famous Professor McGonagall is a woman, and I had always imagined her to be a man.  

And, let’s just say that I have met a Muggle or two in my long life.

Harry Potter: I highly recommend him. 


  • Sharon Whitehead-van Loben Sels

    Truly a fabulous March birthdays celebration! Love that Jan and I also shared our anniversary with your birthday and the 1st day of spring. Happy happy year dear friend💕💕💕💃💃💃

    • Joan Wink

      Yes, your anniversary! I always smile when I think of that wonderful red dress on the beach!

  • Mary Kay Sandal

    What a wonderful celebration! I have thoroughly enjoyed being 75 and soon will move on to 76! Many more happy celebrations!

    • Joan Wink

      I love that you have enjoyed 75! Soon you will lead us into 76. Bring out the trumpets!

  • Sharon Biegen

    A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joan!
    ‘So glad you were able to celebrate with family and friends!
    All the best,
    Sharon and Brian

  • Janet Towell

    It was wonderful to hear about your birthday fest during the month of March! Love, love, love. And I’m glad that you are taking on the Harry Potter series as a project this year. I have them all but have only read the first three. Many times I have thought about starting back from the beginning and reading them all. Now I can probably find the time. Fantasy is not my thing either but these books are very entertaining. I think you will love them!

    • Joan Wink

      Yes Janet, much to my surprise, I am enjoying it. Some of the writing makes me laugh, and sometimes I am so, so in awe of the author’s writing ability.

  • cathy yaap

    Happy Birthday to you a little late.
    Just seeing your name on my e-mail list brings smiles and sunshine to me.
    Thank you for sharing! I love you! I love all of you! I am so grateful that you won over cancer and grateful that I know you and family.

  • Connie Bratten

    Dear Joan,

    I’m so happy you had such a great birthday with your family. I turned 75 about six months ago. I thought about getting a tattoo, but didn’t. Maybe when I turn 80.

    I miss you very much.

    Love, Connie