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A Morning Walk on the Prairies

A Morning Walk on the Prairies

August 7, 2017

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

Just a little glimpse into one morning last week on the ranch. First, I did my 6 mile walk.

While I was walking, I saw a Golden Eagle, although my photo of it was not as good as the one I am posting here.

On my walk, I stopped to visit with Josie and Frankie.

I need to bring Frankie in and clean him.

I think Josie’s tear is because she misses Dawn.

Finally, Frankie ran away from me.

Maybe Frankie saw/smelled this skunk before I did.

I went home and almost stepped on a kitty, which I had never seen.

I went into the house and looked out the window to see that “Mommie Deer” had come to peak in the window.  She lives around the ranch headquarters, and I love seeing her.

After my morning walk, I had to drive to town, and I ran into even more animals.

I came home to two Bald Eagles sitting on a dead cottonwood tree by the corrals.  Dean took this photo.


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