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Animals & The Alphabet, ch 3 in the series

Animals & The Alphabet, ch 3 in the series

June 27, 2016

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

In the first two chapters, we looked at literacy and stories, and now we are moving on to the 3rd chapter with some examples of each–surprising examples, I hope.  The purpose of chapter three is to highlight diverse paths to literacy, by focusing on kids reading to animals.  This is not anything I ever did, but I keep bumping into readers, who do read to their pets: So let’s think about it.  One section of this chapter will present a counter view:  Yes, Steve, this will be  you, and in addition, I will add Audrey, who choses to read and to tell stories to real people, and not animals.

Here is Audrey telling stories to a group of adults at her Mom’s coffee shop.  (In chapter two, I mentioned how she reads to the kids in the coffee shop.)

Audrey telling stories

And, here is Sabrina reading to her dog, Belle.  Her mom had no idea that she was doing this, until she looked out the window and quickly snapped this photo.

Sabrina Belle reading t dog

Apparently, there are multiple paths to literacy.

Some of the animal stories, which will go in this chapter, have been posted previously on WinkWorld.

The first time I ever witnessed kids reading to animals was when I visited the Black Stallion Literacy Project in Tucson AZ.  Hundreds of little kids, who live in some of the poorest communities of town, poured off those busses on that hot day, and ran with their books to sit quietly as each child individually read to these horses. It was at this time that I begin to wonder if maybe this is just another path to literacy.

Black Stallion Literacy Project

Here is another connection to fictional animals, which made me marvel at the power of literacy.

Literacy and Love Last: Darcie, One of The Benson Kids

Finally, chapter three will also have a story about a Chicabrary.  Yes, it really exists.

If you go to WinkWorld, August 2012 and scroll down a little, you will see photos of the Chicabrary and the books on the shelves.

Katie Knox, the illustrator for my book-in-process, recently captured this illustration of the Chicabrary.


chicabrary ch3.png.crdownload

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