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Ann, a Pilgrim: “People Are Good.”

Ann, a Pilgrim: “People Are Good.”

March 31, 2020

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

As you know, my blog tends to capture (a) what is happening in my life and/or (b) ideas floating through my head.  Yesterday was a great example.  It was early evening Sunday after a very quiet day of self-isolation, when a woman walked down our gravel lane.  Turns out that she had walked 30 miles yesterday and needed a place to spend the night.  We scurried around and set her up in our Prairie Parlour (a.k.a., single-wide trailor).

Meet Ann Sieben:

Ann is a pilgrim connected with the Catholic church. As I now understand the concept of “pilgrim,” she is like a nun, only she walks. Daily.  And, I do mean, she walks.  So far, she has walked through 55 countries in 13 years. Previously, Ann was an engineer for 20 years; she took a sabbatical, and never returned to that career.  Instead, she took a vow of poverty and joined the Society of Servant Pilgrims. Click on the link below, where you can also register your email in order to receive stories from around the world.

Camino de Santiago de Compostela

The church at Santiago de Compostela, Spain is a well-known shrine which pilgrims visit every year.   For centuries people from all over the world walk for days to visit the church.  They carry a minimum of personal possessions and pass the nights in simple inns or churches along their way.   However, I was not aware that pilgrimages also take place in the US, too.

Click here to see a peak of Santiago de Compostela, Thank you, Britannica.

Ann is sometimes known as the Winter Pilgrim, as she enjoys cold and snow. If you click on her blogspot, you will find information about some of her walks, and you can read her many stories.  Over you the right side of her blog, she tells about herself.

Winter Pilgrim

So, what did I learn from this surprise blessing in the middle of the prairies on a quiet Sunday during the pandemic?  People are good.  When Ann tells stories, she always ends with “people are good.”    Seems like a good thing to learn and re-learn during these difficult days of Covid-19.

When I last saw her, she was headed South on Plainview Road. 



  • Carolyn Schwickerath

    What an inspiring window into the Life of an Amazing Woman! Thank you for Sharing💜

  • cathy yaap

    Absolutely amazing that a woman would just show up by herself on foot in a rural area! Her stories had to be so interesting. Love it.
    Love you.

  • Diane

    Wow! A walking story. And she was blessed to find your home.

  • Juandell

    Thanks for sharing such a touching story with a clear message

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