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Boxing, or Punching Parkinson’s

Boxing, or Punching Parkinson’s

September 25, 2024

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

I realize that I previously wrote that I would not mention Parkinson’s again in WinkWorld, but your many positive responses made me reconsider. The bottom line is that I am so much better than even 4 months ago, and I  credit that to a balance of meds and my daily exercises, which are  reposted at the end of this blog post.

So, now I am in a boxing class, much to my amazement.  This is not the type of boxing where I hit someone, or  someone hits me.  This is all about strength and balance in the Wellness Center in the medical facility.  A few photos follow.


I like that pix, as you can see that I actually hit the boxing bag.

This heavy bag is easier to hit, but it barely moves when I hit it.  Wink says I should “hit it like I mean it.”

We often have to get down on our tummies and get back up in very specific ways–while they time us. Please note my new red boxing gloves.

But the emphasis is always on our balance.  Here I am trying hard to stand on water without falling against that cupboard behind me.

This photo is just for your entertainment. Those gray things I am supposed to stand on are filled with water.  It is a lot like trying to maintain your balance on water-filled big balloons.

Over and out for now.

Your friend,


The exercises which I use on all posted below from a previous WinkWorld.

Slide and Glide (or, Loud and Proud)


  • Sharon Whitehead-van Loben Sels

    Hey Slugger!
    Punch out Parkinson’s! I love your red gloves and you are definitely a Rock Star!! Fantastic job – The pictures are fabulous. XOXO

  • Mike passaglia

    Looking GREAT! Keep up the good work!

  • Jon Lemke

    Given you have seen such improvement with the boxing, I expect you are having great success with “loud”. In a Parkinson’s Study I designed for the National Center for Voice and Speech focused on projecting one’s voice, we had a participant (salesman) who had been put on a generous commission to allow him to attempt to keep some of his loyal customers and make some money. He greatly improved his “loud” and began making much more money than he ever did on salary. You are doing awesome!

  • Kathy K. Grow

    I hope you continue to post about your Parkinson’s, Joan. We all have friends and family who are dealing with the same issues, and you are encouraging. Of course, I hope not all your posts are about this one part of your life; you are about so much more than just that! 🙂

  • Diane

    Good for you, Slugger! Keep doing what you are doing and you will feel better. Take care…hugs and ❤️

  • Frieda Louise Bormann

    You GO GIRL! Great to see you punching back!

  • Debbie East

    You go punch out parkinson’s (lower case intentional). You are such an inspiration to all of us and expample how we all need to fight through our issues – health or otherwise.


  • Slugger! I love your good humor, Joan. Soon, I will come to admire your right hook! So happy to hear you are seeing positive changes in the last four months. Love you!

  • Julie Gorman

    Looking powerful Joan. Keep up the great work.

  • Sharon Biegen

    You GO Girl!!
    Joan, you are such an inspiration to us all! Your example gets me pumped to continue with my own exercise program. Sending love, Sharon

  • Brian Vandenberg

    Thank you for posting this—your courage and fight are inspirational—kick ass, girl!

  • You are my hero. Every time I complain about feeling exhausted after going to the gym, I have to picture you with your boxing gloves! You get ‘em slugger!

  • Bratten Connie

    Gonna Fly Now from Rocky

  • Denise Wurm

    Great job, Joan! I love your determination … and this isn’t the first time you’ve shown it. Keep up the good work, both with the punch bag and your writing. I’m a big fan of yours who sits in the wings, watching and reading what you do to inspire the rest of us.

  • Duron

    You’re looking really strong! Keep up the good work. You are quite amazing! Love you ❤️

  • Janet Towell

    You are my hero, Joan!! I am so proud of you and the way you fight back, whatever the challenge. Fabulous photos!!!
    LOVE, Janet ❤️

  • You are a Rock star Slugger!!!

  • Christopher Roe

    Dear Joan,
    You have always been my mentor throughout my career and life: As a young principal of a large school with a diverse staff you helped to align our wants and needs so that we could all be on a path moving in the same direction; As a fresh assistant professor, you helped me navigate the departmental traffic and drama (always drama) “keep your head down and keep on keeping on,” and now, with these unwelcomed challenges you face, you show how it can be done with grace and a smile on your face. The things you are learning, unlearning and re-learning (got that from an author I admire) are new frontiers for you that are seemingly another step to take on your journey. Thanks for being you and providing guidance for me and I know so many others.

    • Joan Wink

      Your words and memories touch m heart. I know you are now a mentor for many! Thanks for all. Big hugs!

  • LeAnn Putney

    Dearest Joan
    Slugger would never have been my fond nickname for you, and yet here it is, the perfect one! You have always been courageous and now more so than ever. You continue to be an inspiration to us who know and love you. Love you!

    Liliput 😘

  • Barbara Thorp

    You go girl and that is definitely the way to go at this time. You look great and all of this routine does pay off. Keep up the good hard work!

  • Ron Bertsch

    Hey Joani Mobridge Richardson Wink—looking good in the pics! A suggestion on slugging the punching bag, substitute Dean, that will do a couple things, you will get more satisfaction out of the work out, plus it will keep Dean more alert!! Keep the spirit Dear Friend—God’s Blessings now & always! Go Greyhounds, RonB

    • Joan Wink

      Hey RonnieB, always great to hear from you and Jan. Oh, the memories we share! Treasures. Wink and I are crazy-busy here on the ranch. My goal is to one day be bored….

  • Erin Fouberg

    How wonderful that you’re focused on gaining strength and balance through boxing. You’re definitely exercising “outside the box” (or maybe inside the ring)! You look awesome, Joan.

  • Joan Wink

    Ahhhh, what can I say? You are the Best daughter in the whole wide world for me!