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Joan’s YouTube Language Acquisition Videos

Joan’s YouTube Language Acquisition Videos

August 28, 2022

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

This post is written primarily for my YouTube viewers and for those who are using the language acquisition resources on WinkWorld.  These two groups of people are quite distinct from each other: The WinkWorld readers tend to be from the US, and the YouTube viewers tend to be from many parts of the world.

This is the final post in this series on language acquisition resources. Certainly, it is not the final post on language acquisition, but only in this series for now, as I have other ideas to write about on WinkWorld also.

•Below here, I am reposting the videos from my YouTube channel.

Spiral of Literacy: 11 minutes

Krashen’s 5 Hypotheses: or, Mamas, Meaning, and Motivation: 11 minutes

3 Perspectives on Teaching and Learning: 7 minutes

Pedagogy Timeline: 15 minutes

The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ideas of Education

Bilingual Basics: 50 seconds

Principles of Bilingual Education: 11 minutes

•Below here, I am posting a new video, which encourages my viewers on YouTube to also take advantage of my materials on and on WinkWorld.  The search bar to the left on my webpage works very well.  If you have any problems finding materials on the search bar, just try another browser window.  Or, just ask me.  As we move into the future, my goal is to post as much as possible in one place, and that one place will be

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