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Krashen and Chomsky: Two of the Greats

Krashen and Chomsky: Two of the Greats

September 24, 2020

Okay, languages/literacies folks on the WinkWorld readership list, this one is for you and for me.  I often use WinkWorld as my own little library, so I know I will have it when I want it.

Here are two of my favs: Noam Chomsky and Stephen Krashen visiting with each other. 

I first heard of Chomsky in 1965-66 from Yankton College’s dear Dr. Ehrensberger (Dr. E). I took every English class Dr. E. taught, as he was such a fabulous instructor and gentle human being, and he had white hair and blue, blue eyes, just like my Grampy Dave Clark.  Dr. E told me that I should keep my eye on this guy named Noam Chomsky from MIT–so that is exactly what I have done for almost 55 years. Syntactic Structures (1957) was one of my first treasured texts–wonder where my copy is now?

It is my understanding that Dr. Chomsky is now retired, and spending a lot of time on the University of Arizona campus.  I think of Dr. Chomsky now as sort of a free-range emeritus professor, and I continue to look for him in the main library and/or on the grassy mall.  Heaven help the man, if I should bump into him some day!  I hate it when I gush.

Those of you who know me as a professional know the impact which Dr. Stephen Krashen has had on my life’s work.  The first time I ever heard Dr. Krashen speak was in Phoenix, AZ, circa 1977.  In his lecture, I learned that the way I was teaching my Spanish classes  was all wrong.  I drove back to Benson and told middle and high school students that we were going to toss the conjugations and verb tenses and start using real Spanish for conversation.

I also remember the day I learned that Dr. Krashen followed Dr. Chomsky, just as I did.  I have since learned a bit more from both of these men, but that is another story for another day.

I love this photo of Steve and me.  I don’t have a photo of Chomsky and me–yet, but I will return to the UofA campus and continue my search.

In this WinkWorld, I am going to share a video clip of Krashen and Chomsky in conversation. This WinkWorld is probably not for everyone, but it sure is for me forever and ever.

This was posted in 2020 on YouTube.

A quick search on the internet will  early provide you many more video clips of these two scholars.



  • Lindy Barnes

    Thank you for this post. Thank you for all your posts. This one brought back memories. With a BA in Ed and an M.Ed I studied Chomsky, Krashen, as well as a dozen others. I very much enjoyed the video as I enjoy all your posts.

    I just now ordered a book a Dawn is excited about, “Revivalistics”. I’m looking forward to reading this one.

    • Joan Wink

      Thanks, Lindy, for responding. I was just fascinated with the video of the two of them, and I found more online. I have not yet read “Revivalistics” either. Dawn keeps me supplied in books to read.

  • Richard W. Symonds

    Dear Joan

    Greetings from England!

    Your short piece has my mind buzzing – thank you.

    Could you tell me the source of the Red-Blue image?


    • Joan Wink

      I just found your question. I will be back on this. Joan

    • Joan Wink


      Thank you for reaching across the pond. First, in answer to your question, who created that image? I do not know, but I and another person certainly searched for the creators about 2005 and 2006. We never found an answer to our question, so I used the image in my oral presenting about 2006 to 2010 in CA. I linked the image to bilingualism. I finally posted it on my website, in the hopes that the creator would send me a note. You are the only person who responded. Are you the creator? If not, maybe we will hear more from someone. I reviewed your links from Gatwick City Times: Even more interesting! If those two are using it, I am more than honored. I will ask Steve, as we have been friends for years. The image is brilliant. Thank you so much for getting my mind buzzing, too!