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Library Resources for the Mainstream Teacher (or, any of us)

Library Resources for the Mainstream Teacher (or, any of us)

August 27, 2018


Dear WinkWorld Readers,

Linda Huff, a teacher in Texas, was kind enough to share a short story about when she discovered the power of reading–this took place after she read Stephen D. Krashen’s book, The Power of Reading.

Enjoy Linda’s discovery by clicking on the grayed-out “continue reading” in the box below.

Recently, Linda and I had another conversation about how mainstream classroom teachers can more actively engage students with their classroom libraries, school libraries, and/or their local library.   I thought I might share some of these resources, and I hope you share with us how you use the library with students.

Library Resources for Mainstream Teacher (or any of us!)

You might want to join the following groups:

American Library Association (ALA) 

American Association of School Librarians (AASL)

Yes, these two professional groups are active on social media, also.  

Library Think Tank is on Facebook and often has wonderful discussions of library resources.

•Nerdy Book Club  from Donalyn Miller never fails.  Donalyn is also active on social media.

A Classroom Library: If You Build It, They Will Read by Jim Bailey

I asked my school librarian friend/colleague/former graduate student and school librarian extraordinaire, Dr. Deb Schneider of Tracy, CA for some resources.  Deb immediately cited a few more references for us.  Thanks, Deb!

Deb also introduced me to Common Sense Education  and their many resources for families, educators, and librarians.  They appear to be particularly helpful in the area of digital literacy and information literacy.  Lots of media resources.

I know there are many other great resources for teachers to access in order to support students’ active engagement with their local library or school library, and I hope you will share some of your resources with us. Thanks.




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