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Little Free Library (LFL): Lorna and Alfonso

Little Free Library (LFL): Lorna and Alfonso

July 16, 2020

Everyone is a reader

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

Previously, I have written about the Little Free Libraries (LFL), and how this process of giving away books has grown so rapidly in the United States and now around the world.  For previous posts on WinkWorld, just go to my main page (, and in the bottom right corner, you will find a handy Search bar: Type in LFL.

Or, go to:

Little Free Library

Or, you can find them on the various social media platforms.

However, the purpose of the issue of WinkWorld is to tell you how I received my LFL–it was a gift from Lorna Larson of Minneapolis, whom I had never previously met.  She wanted to do this to honor her parents.  In what follows, Lorna tells her own story.

2012 was the culmination of many sagas in my life. I had just completed 7 years of teaching and also my Masters in Education. Both parents lost their battles with cancer.

2013 was the beginning of a new chapter of life for me.  I moved to a new community in Minneapolis and discovered my new neighbors shared my passion for literacy.  Little Free Libraries (LFL) began popping up everywhere.  If only I could have shared this experience with my parents who were both avid readers. Soon I put up my own LFL (see below),

Little Free Library

but I wanted to give away some of these little libraries as a way to honor my parents.  I made the offer on social media, and Joan answered.  We had never met, but I had heard her speak and felt a connection with her because of our roots in SD and our interest in libraries. I was delivering several other LFL to SD, and decided to drive to  her ranch as a way of expanding my parents’ legacy.

2020–Seven years later, and we both still love to share books with our LFL. This summer I was able to take one of my two exchange students to the ranch. It makes me sad that my parents were never able to meet Angelo, but the Winks helped bring these two worlds together.  Maybe one day, Angelo will have his own LFL in São Paulo, Brazil.

Literacy Changes Everything

July 2020 Lorna returns to the prairies.

Little Free Library

Lorna and Angelo take  a ride on my 4-wheeler, ‘Lil Blue.

Lorna and Angelo on 4-wheeler

Lunch on the porchLunch on the porch

Bags of books

Lorna carried 3 book bags of my professional books back to Minneapolis when she left: Some are for her and others are for beginning ESL teachers.  Happy reading!



  • Sharon Biegen

    I loved this post! So good to be reminded of this important mission and, especially, to see you smiling and well!

  • Sharon Whitehead-van Loben Sels

    What a Great story! LFLs abound and I bet they will spring up in Brazil. I am sure Paolo Friere would approve!

  • Mary Kay

    Love the story and the great pictures of your reunion on the prairie! Thank you Joan

  • LaRee Mayes

    Hello Joan,
    Just to let you know Terry has made 2 little libraries that went to Cheyenne, Wyoming, one for our daughter Kellie and one for a friend of her. Kellie’s is official. She now works at Laramy (sp?) County Library and really likes the job. LaRee

    • Joan Wink

      LaRee, oh, thanks for sharing with us. The LFL make a great little gift. We just sent one to Dawn and family, and I am sure we will soon see some photos of it on FB. Stay well.