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Post AERA Reflection

Post AERA Reflection

April 19, 2023


Hi WinkWorld Readers,

We are home from AERA in Chicago. Dawn, our daughter, did such a great reflection on it, that I am simply doing a copy/paste of her blog, DewDrops. We were so fortunate to present with Dr. Nerida Blair from Australia, who shared her Indigenous roots.

Thanks for sharing, Dawn.

I was very happy with how our ideas were received.  My topic was story, and I was able to share 3 of the 4 stories, which were live-linked in the last WinkWorld (see below). Our participants were fabulous: Very engaged and willing to share their own stories.  They came from various universities and had diverse interests.  Fascinating colleagues!  The conversations among us were very animated after our session, also.

If you have a minute, I encourage you to note the work of Dr. Ingrid Anderson from Portland State University on DewDrops.  During our session, I was so intrigued how she drew her understandings as we spoke. 

Below please enjoy Dawn’s reflection of our experience during AERA.



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