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Prairie Winter & Books

Prairie Winter & Books

December 28, 2018

Dear WinkWorld Readers, this is the type of day which gives prairie winters a bad name….

Looking out our front door about 2 p.m.

However, I am happy to have a some new post-Christmas books sitting around, which are giving me a lot of pleasure.

Some of these books are not new for me, but I just happen to be re-reading them. You will notice a few of Wink’s books here, too.

In addition, here are a few more books which I am reading..

“Down at Angel’s” is the story of a man, who lived in Mobridge, South Dakota, where I lived as a little girl. I remember him well. This is a story about accepting and respecting differences, as the children in the story love Angel, even though some in our little town found him to be “different.” This book was written by Sharon Chmielarz, who was about my age, and her book was way ahead of its time. Sharon, this is a terrific story: Congratulations.

“El Norte” just arrived today, and it came as a complete surprise. Carrie Gibson mailed it to me; she will be sharing at the Tucson Festival of Books in Tucson in early March where I will be moderating a panel of authors. Carrie is one of those authors. I have never met Carrie, but I can see that we share many interests. I believe her latest book is entitled, “Empire’s Crossroads: A History of the Caribbean from Columbus to the Present Day.” Thank you, Carrie. I very much look forward to meeting you and reading your books.

Denny Taylor of GARN Press wrote this little treasure. I read it in one sitting, and I was absolutely thrilled to read more of four of my heroines: Yetta Goodman, Maxine Greene, Louise Rosenblatt, and Margaret Meek Spencer. I plan to read this one more slowly again, and hopefully I will share more on WinkWorld.

Reading Through the Night by Jane Tompkins

I have followed Jane Tompkins for years and love her thinking and writing. Recently, she and I began writing to each other on social media. Our lives are very similar and yet simultaneously, very different. This is her latest book, and I am looking forward to reading it.

I have not read all of Laura Ingalls Wilder, but I have many friends who have talked a lot about her with me. This book arrived a couple of days ago, and I look forward to learning more about her life.

I just finished reading “Unsheltered: A Novel” by Barbara Kingsolver. Oh, the magic of beautiful language in a novel so rich and deep that I will re-read again later this spring.

Kingsolver books

But, books from grands, of course, are the absolute best.

Happy Reading to us all in 2019.


  • Annie Wilkinson

    What a stack of great looking books! As a passionate gardener I will be interested in your feedback after reading the 2 books on soil. Also, I just ordered Barbara Kingsolver’s book. Happy reading my friend and Happy New Year!

    • Joan Wink

      Annie, the latest Kingsolver is super, and I will have to read again to understand more. And, the soil books: Dawn and Dean are so into this genre, and the books are flying back and forth from Santa FĂ© to Howes via USPS. See you soon.

  • Lorna

    Love this post!! Inspires me to get reading! Thank you!

  • Mary Kay Sandal

    Now I know where I will start! With your list and President Obama’s. I may not do anything else in 2019!

  • Chris Kerfoot

    Every summer I read a “Little House ” book. Among my Laura Ingalls Wilder collection are “A Little House Sampler” and Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Family Collection.”

    “A Little House Sampler” is a collection of writings by Laura and her daughter Rose Wilder Lane.

    “Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Family Collection” is a collection of articles Laura wrote for a local paper, The Missouri Ruralist.

    • Joan Wink

      Chris, I remember your interest in Laura Ingalls Wilder. I now have quite a few friends out here, who have read much of her writing. Please take a photo of the books, which you have read. I will share with a few friends. Thx.