Hey Teacher Friends and Families with Kids in Schools,
This WinkWorld is for you.
IF you could choose which test to use for your state’s mandated testing, what would your choice be? Please think in terms of (a) the process and (b) the product. For example, do you prefer once per year, twice per year, three times per year? And/or, is there a specific test which you believe has more value for kids than other tests? I am aware that some districts have very good district-mandated tests, in addition to the state’s tests.
I will compile the results and share the results. I will double-post this WinkWorld to Facebook and Twitter, so all of the responses will not be visible to some of you immediately. In addition, I know that some of you simply prefer to respond to me on email (joan@joanwink.com). Whatever works best for you.
Yes, someone, who can make a difference, really did ask me that question. I told that person that I would ask all of you and get back to her/him.
Here is a visual overview of my recent chapter on testing, High-Stakes Stories, which is in The Power of Story. Thank you to my dear friend and cousin, Missy Urbaniak, for drawing the following visual Table of Contents.
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