Dear WinkWorld Readers,
Deb Harrison is a teacher in WY, and while she was in my classes at BHSU, she put together a great collection of Stephen Krashen’s contributions. In my on-going attempt to organize and share treasures, which I have received while teaching graduate students, I want to share some very handy websites with you. I admit that making neat little categories of magic can be a real challenge. Sharing is caring.
The Power of Reading by Deb Harrison
First, you might want to read her book review.
Book Review of The Power Of Reading
Here is her PowToons of The Power of Reading.
Annotated Overview of Recent Steve Krashen Videos by Deb Harrison
Krashen Videos Update by Deb Harrison
Krashen, Harrison, Wink Videos
Poe and Powtoons by Deb Harrison. No, this one is not about Krashen, but it is about Edgar Allen Poe.
The Power of Reading is My Home Run Reading Book by Deb Harrison
(The following paper is presently being updated for a publication submission, June 2016.)
Krashen Pulls It All Together in Fifteen Minutes
Krashen Pulls It All Together in 25 Minutes
Karly on Krashen: A follow-up to the 2 videos listed above. Karly is another teacher in WY.
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