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Summer Reading: Get Your Free Book Here

Summer Reading: Get Your Free Book Here

June 7, 2015

June 6, 2015

No slip, sliding into the summer slump–the reading slump, that is.

Families and teachers often worry about the “summer slump” which they believe will undo some of the academic gains of the previous school year. However, we know that kids with books at home, and kids who live near well-funded libraries and well-funded schools, and kids who stop by my Little Free Library and grab a handful of books are not in danger of slipping and sliding into that slump.

Children of poverty are more vulnerable to the summer slump, as they often do not have access to books. To end the summer slump, read to your kids, read with your kids, and make sure your kids see you reading, too.

And, now a word about the senior slump*, which is defined as any adult, who stopped reading books, after he or she left school. I have noticed that the folks with senior slump often worry about kids not reading enough anymore. To diagnose the senior slump, just ask, “Tell me what you are reading.” If an awkward space of silence follows, you will know that you are dealing with severe senior slump.

*Okay, it’s true, I just made up that term.

Additional Resources for you.

Summer Reading: Program and Evidence by Fay H. Shin and Stephen D. Krashen. Amazon still has some copies left, or you can simply download your FREE pdf version right here.

Summer Reading Program and Evidence Shin and Krashen

Thanks, Fay Shin and Steve Krashen, for sharing with us so generously.


Check it out here.

Here are a couple of examples for you to enjoy right now.

“Catching The Moon”

Watch it here.

“Library Lion”

Watch it here.

You will find many, many stories at storiesonline.

Books By The Foot

Learn about it here.


Alfie Kohn always has good thoughts to share, and he is active onTwitter.


For example, check out this one!

New study: Best Rx for summer learning loss isn’t summer school or homework, but giving kids free books they choose, which you can find on Alfie’s Twitter, 

Or, here is Science Daily telling about the same study.



  • Do you have a term for social media addiction? such that I rarely read anymore except articles online. It’s awful!! I have 100 books on my table to read. Not exactly a slump, but… Our local public libraries wanted to sign up a huge number of kids for their fun summer program. Unfortunately not easy to do even though the libraries in L.A. are okay (considering how awful our libraries in California are in general). Thank you for this!!!

    • Joan Wink

      I mostly read books in bed, and I don’t take technology to bed with me. Of course, I have other books stacked all around my computer, too.

  • Sharon Whitehead-van Loben Sels

    Love Stories Online! Thank you 🙂