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Teaching as Mentoring.

Teaching as Mentoring.

November 12, 2016

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

Some of you may remember that last February I wrote a WinkWorld to honor the work of Richard Ruíz of the University of Arizona, who died suddenly and too soon.  Later in the year, I continued this writing and published a chapter, Teaching as Mentoring, in Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe, in an the issue which was created to honor the work of Richard.  I did this chapter with LeAnn Putney, Chyllis Scott, Dawn Wink, and Ruthie Wienk.

In what follows, you will find (a) the link to the previous WinkWorld, (b) the abstract for the new chapter, (c) the link to the new chapter in the journal, (d) and finally, the citation.

We want to thank the editor, Dr. Howard Smith, and the managing editor, Francine M. Johnson of the University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA) for their work in creating this memorial issue of  the Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe.

WinkWorld, Feb. 2015 The Passing of Richard Ruíz

Abstract for Teaching as Mentoring

My co-authors, LeAnn G. Putney (UNLV), Chyllis Scott (UNLV), Dawn Wink (SFCC), Ruthie Wienk (SDSU)My

The link to our chapter, Teaching as Mentoring, in the Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingúe

Bilingual Review/Revista Bilingüe,  Vol 33, No 3(2016), first page of the journal.  Just click on Current.

Commemorative Anthology in Honor of Richard Ruíz, first page of this issue.



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