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TESOL 2018, Biliteracy: Our Best Bet

TESOL 2018, Biliteracy: Our Best Bet

March 28, 2018

Dear WinkWorld Readers, 

TESOL 2018 friends, this one is for you.  Dawn and I will be sharing during PreK-12 Day.

Rm E265 Lakeside Center at the McCormick Place

10 to 11:15, Sat., March 31, 2018

Our purpose is to create authentic biliteracy in dual language, mainstream, or ESL classrooms.

Click the link below to open our 2 page handout.

Joan & Dawn Wink Biliteracy handout TESOL 2018, PreK-12

Here is the powerpoint, which we will use.

Hope to see you there.


1 Comment

  • Angela Borgia

    Hi Joan! I am working for Rutgers as a Literacy Coach in two Bilingual Schools. I love every minute of it.
    I will always remember my time in Mallorca and how much I learned attending your class.

    Hi Angela, thank you for your kind and generous words. So happy to hear that your are loving your life working for Rutgers as a literacy coach. Help yourself to anything on my webpages. I suspect that “Joan’s Schedule” might have some materials you can use.
    Always great to hear from you. Joan