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WinkWorld: Change is hard.

WinkWorld: Change is hard.

December 31, 2014

The Problem: Change.

In 2014 I changed from the more static electronic newsletter, WinkWorld, to the more interactive blog, The Latest From Joan. Suddenly, I had two electronic missives to send out regularly, and it absolutely shut me down. Not my style, I know.

The Solution: Change.

Recently, the solution popped into my head: WinkWorld will simply morph into my blog.  Yes, it will be different from the original newsletter, but that is the nature of change, as we get to learn again and again.

All of the previous WinkWorld editions will stay online and be available to all, as they serve very much like a library. The Search Function (in the sidebar of this page) works beautifully. Try it!

New Year’s Resolution: I’ve never had one, except some annual, vague notion about trying to do less….

This is beginning to feel like my first-ever New Year’s Resolution: I will share some stories about literacies and libraries, as I am starting on a new project.

And, speaking of New Year’s Resolutions: Let’s all read more in 2015.  What book are you reading right now?  See you in the comment section.

Joan, December 31, 2014


  • Good for you, Joan! Sounds like a plan.

  • Sounds perfect! It’s hard to manage all the different sites…I love the idea of it all in one place! Here’s to 2015, to teaching, to writing, to books!


    One thing’s for sure, everything changes. Joan Wink is still in charge though! Happy New Year.

  • Andreas Horaites

    Well, I guess a newsletter is just an old fashioned clunky format. I still will miss it because in some ways I am old fashioned and clunky. Yes, I will adjust and accept the change. I have to. Ms. Wink, you have been the a wonderfully essential part of my “trade” reading. I am not just going to give that up now.

    • Joan Wink

      Thanks, Andreas, it’s hard for me to make this change, too, but I’m determined to make it work.

  • Hey Joan! Happy New Year! Keep doing all the wonderful things you do. That’s resolution enough.

  • Tammy

    I’m looking forward to this, and I just finished my tenth book for December by the way. I’m all for reading more!

    • Joan Wink

      Thanks for all you do, Tammy. I love your “Forever in First” blog.

  • Pat Graham

    Joan, it is always a treat to receive your newsletter so I will adapt to this new way of doing things. Maybe with this format I will comment more often.

  • Mary Kay Sandal

    Great solution good change!! Have a great 2015 Joan see you one day!

  • Zhanna Montgomery

    Hi Joan!
    I am looking forward to reading your new and improved blog. I also enjoyed receiving the newsletters tremendously and referred its archives quite often. You have been an inspiration to me as a teacher and a citizen since I met you in Mallorca in 2010. Happy New Year!

    • Joan Wink

      Thanks, Zhanna. You are an amazing person! Hope our paths cross again.

  • Heather Hurst

    I have fond memories of your classes, and I always look forward to reading anything you write no matter what the format!

    I am currently reading “The School of Good and Evil” by Roman Chainani with my 9 year old daughter. We take turns reading a few pages out loud to complete a chapter each night. I look forward to Kali’s reading selections, and I enjoy this time with her.

    I am also reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle books, My Little Pony books, and other picture books with my 5 year old daughter each night. I also enjoy these reading experiences!

    • Joan Wink

      Hi Heather, love to hear of the reading you are doing with your daughters! “The School of Good and Evil” is new for me: I’ll check it out right away. Thanks for staying in touch.

    • Joan Wink

      Hi Heather, love to hear of the reading you are doing with your daughters! “The School of Good and Evil” is new for me: I’ll check it out right away. Thanks for staying in touch.

  • Debra Schneider

    Joan, I’m working on my librarian credential @ SJSU (as a requirement for my district job) and have some notions about libraries (and literacy) myself! In case you want to talk about any of it.

  • Pam Franklin

    So the most consistent thing about me is that I embrace change kicking and screaming…but I DO embrace it (the act of accepting or supporting something willingly and enthusiastically) and I learn and grow. I love to learn, so here we go down yet another techno rabbit hole! Whee! Love you, dear friend!