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Writing Projects: 2019

Writing Projects: 2019

December 18, 2018

Dear WinkWorld Readers,  

In the photo above, you can see that I am enjoying one of my fav things: Reading to kids.

During the last few months, I have not shared as much as usual on WinkWorld.  As some of you know, my husband, Dean, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September. His medical treatment has been excellent, and we are optimistic and looking forward to 2019.

I have been working on three different writing projects with colleagues, and I plan to begin sharing short pieces of our writing.

First, Missy Urbaniak and I continue to write about Prairie Pedagogy.  I am not sure what will become of this project, but we are helpless not to capture it, as we still have 6 vibrant little one and two room schools in our very large rural county.  

Second, I remain so curious about the Research of Storytelling (RS), and who knew that one day there would be a methodology with that name?  Dawn Wink, our daughter, has fallen in love with narrative inquiry and Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN).  We are presenting some of our ideas at UNLV in February, and we will share some of it here on WinkWorld.

Third, Le Putney of UNLV and I continue to develop our ideas of Vygotsky, and will be sharing those ideas via newsletters, as we want tired teachers to have access to complex thoughts of our guy, Lev Vygotsky.

Some Other Little Changes on WinkWorld

I often am contacted with specific questions by colleagues, which I try to answer individually.  I have decided that I will share some of those responses on WinkWorld, also.  As I have so much “stuff” languishing away in my computer, and I would rather share with those who need it. (A citation is always appreciated, and the individual citation can be found way at the bottom of each page of my webpages.)

For example:

Tania Ramalho of SUNY Oswego on Lake Ontario in upstate New York has been using my Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World. She has shared her reflections and those of her students with me. Thank you, Tania.  She particularly focused on Chapter Two, What In The World is Critical Pedagogy?  She liked the various examples of problem posing and the Freirian model of: To Name, To Reflect Critically, and To Act. 

Below I am posting my favorite photo of Tania; this is followed by some of the topics which Tania and I discussed on email.

Chapter Two (2011, pp. 45-46) begins like this, and then a series of problem posing examples are found on the following pages of the book.

Tania, below I am posting other information on problem posing, which comes from the 3rd edition, not the 4th.  Maybe you and the grad students will find it useful.

Critical Pedagogy 3rd Ed – Problem-Posing Activity

Here is a power point which I created for those pages.  All images won’t make a lot of sense, but Tania, I know that some of this will work for you.

Now, meet dear Hannah McAnespie.

Hannah teaches a class at University of the Redlands in CA, and she recently connected with her comments on functional, authentic, and critical literacy.  Here are some of the things which we discussed.  Help yourself, Hannah and anyone else.  

What is literacy? 

What is literacy?

What is literacy? What are literacies?

Still with me, WinkWorld Readers? This post is a bit longer than usual for WinkWorld.

In addition, in February and April 2019, I will begin giving away my professional books, which I love, but am no longer using. Stay tuned.

One last tidbit:  WordPress, where I create my blog is moving to a new editor format, and I intend to play with it during the holidays.  I do not know if the appearance for you will be any different, but it is for me in the creation stage.

I’ll be back in the new year. Hope your holidays are fun, and/or peaceful and restful.


  • Chris Roe

    Love to you and Dean. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and prairie writing.

    • Joan Wink

      Thanks, Chris, love to you and fam, too. I am so anxious to learn more about your new career.