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Top Ten Things To Know about Critical Pedagogy

The following ideas are a collection of responses from graduate students/teachers in EDML 5400: Theory of Multilingual Education and from entry-level teacher credential candidates from EDMS 4100: Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society. Greg Groll was instrumental in organizing the Top Ten. Enjoy.

You will note that the students provided the page numbers from the 3/e of Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World, 2005.

Spring Semester 2005

1. The world (p. 1)
2. Language (p. 22 and p. 62)
3. Thoughts (p. 120)
4. New learning’s/discoveries/problems (p. 126)
5. Activities- pair share (p.132)
6. New stories and ideas (p. 146)
7. Caring (p. 169)
8. Time, time, time (p. 171)
9. Now here is the point (p. 174)
10. To Make a Difference (p. 175)

1. Learn, relearn, and unlearn your way to critical pedagogy (p. 17-19)
2. The principles of problem posing (p. 125)
3. 3 models of pedagogy (p. 178)
4. how in the world do you do it, popcorn, pair share, dialogue journal (p. 133)
5. Having a voice (p. 59)
6. Looking ahead for new leaders (p. 118)
7. Models of parental involvement (p. 154)
8. Practicing pedagogy patiently (p. 13, and each at the end of each chapter)
9. To Make a Difference (p. 174-175)
10. What is critical pedagogy (p. 67)

1. Different definitions of critical pedagogy
2. Banking model of education
3. Two perspectives
4. Conscientization
5. History helps: three perspectives
6. Critical root figure (picture)
7. Pair share
8. Popcorn
9. School Families
10. NCLB calls us to the mess

Top Ten #4
1. Teachers Taught Me, Too (p.173)
2. Bureaucratization of the Mind (p. 88)
3. Jose From The Benson Kids (p.16)
4. Now here is the point: (p. 3)
5. The six I MUSTS (p.11)
6. Cow Jumped Over the Moon (p.163)
7. Hegemony (p. 45)
8. Problem Posing (p. 52)
9. Cummins concept of empowerment (p.112)
10. Activities on (pp. 131 – 139)

Top Ten #5
1.Learning is change (p. 15)
2.Power is a fundamental societal issue (p. 33)
3.Theory informs practice (p. 130)
4.Language is bridge to ideas, thoughts, people (p. 33)
5.Validate student voice, language, culture (pp. 80, 135, 177)
6. Naming/problem posing (p. 60, p. 135)
7. transformation (social and self) (p. 77)
8. diversity is good for society (p. 165)
9. read, read, read! (p. 80)
10.write, write, write!

Top Ten #6
1. 1. Cultural capitol (pp. 44-46)
2. Learn, relearn and unlearn (pp. 37-43)
3. Hegemony (pp.53-54)
4. Hidden curriculum (pp. 54-55)
5. Reading the word and the world (pp. 56-58)
6. To marginalize (pp. 65-66)
7. To silence (pp. 67-68)
8. A teachable heart (pp.107-109)
9. Bob (pp. 177-179)
10. Anything relating to Vygotsky, Krashen, Cummins, or Freire

Top Ten #7
1. Conscientization (pp. 32-37)
2. To Make A Difference (pp. 174-176)
3. Krashen (pp. 116-18)
4. The Benson Kids (pp. 117-118)
5. Cultural Capital (pp. 39-41)
6. Hidden Curriculum (pp. 46-47)
7. K-W-L (pp. 76-79)
8. Critical Roots, Figure 5.1, (p. 84)
9. “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” Winston Churchill (p. 91)
10. emPOWERment Pyramid, Figure 5.3, (p. 114)

Top Ten #8
1.To Unlearn: Difficult Unlearning Experiences (p. 19)
2.Entry to the Prairie Club (pp. 44-45)
3.Critical Literacy -Understand how & why & for whom (p. 48)
4.Critical Pedagogy definition (p. 61)
5.Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 (p. 79)
6.Declaration of Children’s Linguistic Human Rights (p. 99)
7.Critical Pedagogy paragraph (p. 103)
8.Cummings quotes (60) Attaches to (p. 112)
9.How to Teach for Students of the Twenty-First Century (p. 167)
10.Baseball White Sox v Brown Sox (p. 170)