Atall Christmas Program: A Slice of the Past, Present, and Future
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have been agonizing as it is becoming clear that I will never get Christmas cards sent […]
Magic on the Prairies
The Magic on the Prairies continues at Atall School. If you are a consistent reader of WinkWorld, you are aware […]
Meanwhile Back At The Ranch
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Through the years, I noticed that many of you enjoy the ranch stories better than anything else […]
From Winksomnia to Banned Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, There I was, minding my own business at 3 am, as I happily read during my “Winksomnia.” […]
Boxing, or Punching Parkinson’s
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I realize that I previously wrote that I would not mention Parkinson’s again in WinkWorld, but your […]
“to ache with caring,” Mem and Missy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, When I read “to ache with caring” (Mem Fox, p. 22) in 1993 in a book about […]
Slide and Glide (or, Loud and Proud)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a reader of WinkWorld, you know a majority of my work relates to languages […]
On to 100
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A very short and personal blog post follows. In church recently I had a very interesting conversation […]
I Should Have Been a Teacher
I should have been a teacher…she said with tongue firmly planted in her cheek…. However, dear WinkWorld Readers, this is […]
Gig ’em, Aggies!
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have been creating documents for WinkWorld for over 20 years. First, it was a static newsletter, […]
Sister Bourne: Small Desert Schools to Tiny Prairie School
Dear WinkWorld readers, I love the Arizona Highways magazine, and I love education, and I love education taking place in […]
Tucson Festival of Books, 2024
Hi WinkWorld Readers, It is that time of year again when more than 100,000 of my very best friends and […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Congratulations, Missy!
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you have followed our prairie pedagogy series, you will know that Missy Urbaniak is the stellar […]
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, a dear colleague/friend of many years called me spontaneously and asked if I had anything she […]
Another Home Run Story: “Meadowlark” by Dawn Wink
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a reader of WinkWorld, you know that I love it when someone discovers their […]
Prairie Pedagogy: The End Is the Beginning?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Readers of WinkWorld know that I have been writing about prairie pedagogy because it fascinates me […]
Meet Missy: The Teacher at Atall
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a regular reader of WinkWorld, you know that I am writing about a tiny […]
From Tiny School to Big University and Big Equipment
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a reader of WinkWorld, you know that I am focused on pulling together […]
Prairie Pedagogy Previous Posts
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As I shared in the previous blog post, we are working on Prairie Pedagogy. Our purpose is […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Pulling the Past 10 Years Together in One Big Story
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you read WinkWorld consistently, you are aware that I have been taking books and reading stories […]
GinnyWink#5, A Badger, and Me: Another Ranch Story
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you may remember the snake story. Ranch Visitors: Blue Racer Snakes Others of you may […]
Henry’s Literacy Development
Hello WinkWorld Readers, If you are a regular reader of WinkWorld, you know that one of the messages I hope […]
I Learned to Read Through Phonics and the Jonathan Story
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have been writing about a cool ranch kid, whom I have been observing. Henry, now age […]
Regalia: Woven Into Every Stitch
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As the incomparable Amanda Gorman writes in her poem, “Memorial” (2021, “Call Us What We Carry,”): When […]
Back to the Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I love to share the books I am reading. South Dakota One Book The SD Humanities Council […]
SD Board of Regents
Dear WinkWorld Readers, My six-year term of service as a member of the South Dakota Board of Regents has ended, […]
Post AERA Reflection
Hi WinkWorld Readers, We are home from AERA in Chicago. Dawn, our daughter, did such a great reflection on […]
AERA 2023, Chicago, April 13 to April 16
Hi WinkWorld Readers, I have completed my term of six years on the Board of Regents, and now I have […]
Academic Family Tree: TESOL 2023
Hello WinkWorld Readers, Academics on various campuses sometimes talk casually and lovingly about their own Academic Family. For example, those who […]
Books 2023, January
Hi WinkWorld Readers, Happy New Year to us all! Let’s keep on reading this year. In this WinkWorld, I will […]
Books: Looking Back on the Last Couple of Years
Hi WinkWorld Readers, I have been reflecting on some of my reading in the last couple of years. I am […]
Homework? Time to rethink your long-held assumptions and Dawn’s Dewdrops
Dear WinkWorld Readers, New learning can sometimes be a real pain in the neck. For example, if this is new […]
Joan’s YouTube Language Acquisition Videos
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is written primarily for my YouTube viewers and for those who are using the language […]
The Power of Story: A Book Talk in WY by Deb Harrison
Hello WinkWorld Readers, If you follow WinkWorld, you know that I have been featuring blog posts on language acquisition, until […]
Two Class Reunions: July 2022
Dear WinkWorld Readers, the past few posts have focused directly on language acquisition/literacy development. I do this so that others […]
Teaching As Mentoring: Language-as-a-problem, a-right, or a-resource?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We continue with our series on “the big picture” of language acquisition. In this series, we are […]
Joan’s Video on Language Acquisition in a Bilingual Context
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This is the 3rd post in a series of language acquisition posts. Feel free to use, if […]
The Power of Reading by S. Krashen: A Powtoons by Deb Harrison
Hi WinkWorld Readers, As you know, I started a series on language acquisition and literacy development in the previous WinkWorld. […]
Language Acquisition: Krashen Pulls It Together in 25 Minutes
Dear WinkWorld Readers, My plan is to share a series of posts on language acquisition and literacy materials, so that […]
A Storyteller: Sharing Books and Learning to Teach
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes it feels like I live in two different worlds: My town friends and my country friends. […]
Career Camps for Kids
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is for 7th and 8th graders who might like to attend a FREE camp for […]
Handy (wink)Links for CARE and EQRC
Dear WinkWorld Readers, It is not lost on me that my WinkWorld on snakes in the house had way more […]
CARE Conference, March 21/22, 2022 (virtual)
Photo credit: dbd 3-10-2022 Dear WinkWorld Readers, OK, I admit: My blog, WinkWorld, is quite eclectic. Last time I wrote […]
Ranch Visitors: Blue Racer Snakes
Dear WinkWorld Readers, as you know I usually write a blog post about whatever is on my mind, on my […]
Reading a Story in a School: Imagine!
Dear WinkWorld Readers. Reading a story in your neighborhood school: Imagine how fun. How beneficial. How interesting. Recently, I had […]
A New Dr. Wink
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As many of you know, in the past year I have spotlighted several graduates who caught my […]
Just Books.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As you know, I have been highlighting recent graduates–one more left to come this season, and I […]
Meet Another Brand-new Doc: Dr. Herman
Dear WinkWorld Readers. As you may remember, I have highlighted some recent graduates, and I will repost them at the […]
If You’re Not From the Prairie…,
Dear WinkWorld Readers. In this blog post, I am posting two oral readings of one of my all-time favorite […]
The Power of Story: Dawn Interviews Joan
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Here is a 5-minute video clip, as Dawn interviewed me about “The Power of Story.” Hope […]
TCNJ: ESL, Bilingual, Literacy, Language Acquisition Master Candidates #1
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This issue of WinkWorld is directed specifically to a group of teachers in New Jersey. When they […]
Storylistening: Beniko Mason and Steve Krashen
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Once upon a time in a faraway land, I was a professor who lived and breathed language […]
2 More Graduates in Their Own Words: Ana and Lizzie
Dear WinkWorld Readers. In the previous two WinkWorlds, I introduced you to some recent graduates, and I will continue […]
Meet A Brand-new Doc: Dr. York
Dear WinkWorld Readers I am happy to introduce you to a former student, Ana York, who recently completed her doctorate […]
Graduates in Their Own Words
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The graduation season is such a joyous and emotional time for all of us. I have had […]
Best 2 Books of the Last 6 Months
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I love to share my books with others, and recently a friend returned a pile of borrowed […]
Free-range Reading
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes you hear adults saying, “kids today don’t read.” Here is a story, which paints a different […]
Quilts and Books: Bring on the Stories
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, Dawn Wink posted a blog about quilts on her blog, DewDrops, and this led me to […]
Russ on Reading: Mem Fox
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Today I saw a blogpost from Russ Walsh in his blog, Russ on Reading, in which he […]
Facts tell. Stories sell.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Once upon a time in a far, far away place, I was a university professor. Not only […]
Eulalia (Sister) Bourne: Rancher Schoolteacher
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As many of you know, I have long been a fan of Eulalia Bourne, a.k.a., Sister, since […]
What is equity? What is equality?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I didn’t mean to send out another WinkWorld so quickly, but today I bumped into a discussion […]
Books. Books. Books.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A friend just received her second new knee and is recovering. She is an avid reader and […]
American Generations: The Silent Generation to Gen Z
Hello WinkWorld Readers, I am often drawn to questions regarding the generations: The Greatest Generation to The Silent Generation to […]
PART TWO: Post-COVID Needs of Society and Students
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous blog post, I shared a review of Harari’s 21 Lessons for the 21st Century […]
Post-COVID Needs of Society and Students
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As some of you know, I am on the South Dakota Board of Regents, and in that […]
Teacher Observations: How do we do them virtually?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are not in a classroom very often, you may not realize it, but teacher observations […]
Books Which I Am Reading Now
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Periodically, I share the books I am reading. Here we go… I just received this treasured book […]
Krashen and Chomsky: Two of the Greats
Okay, languages/literacies folks on the WinkWorld readership list, this one is for you and for me. I often use WinkWorld […]
Why do we keep trying to standardize kids?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This particular blogpost is specifically for teachers, families, and librarians. Look at these two geraniums. You can […]
Read Aloud. Read Along. Read Alone. Read Again: Thanks, Russ Walsh
Dear WinkWorld Readers, this blogpost is specifically for teachers, families, and librarians–or anyone who cares about kids and reading. Whether […]
Wink Ranch, 2020 by Dawn Wink, Dewdrops
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In her blog, Dewdrops, Dawn Wink shares a bit of our summer on the ranch. I hope […]
3 Models of Pedagogy, Copyrights, and the Citation
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The purpose of this WinkWorld is to discuss my ambivalent feelings regarding copyright rules and regs. When […]
Little Free Library (LFL): Lorna and Alfonso
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Previously, I have written about the Little Free Libraries (LFL), and how this process of giving away […]
SUNY Oswego: WW Resources, PART TWO
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The purpose of this WinkWorld is to share ways to keep kids learning, whether they are in […]
SUNY Oswego: WW Resources PART ONE
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The purpose of my blog, WinkWorld, is to share resources which I generated during my life in […]
Spin Doctors: Looking back with Denny Taylor and Stephen Krashen
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I was included in a lengthy email dialog about literacy. This spurred me to want to […]
Prairie School Post #17: COVID Edition
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As you know, I have written other blog posts about prairie pedagogy–and, particularly about a little […]
Human Connections & MINES & More Ms. Dobras
Dear WinkWorld readers, As you know, WinkWorld tends to be whatever has my attention at the moment, and I have […]
Making with Ms. Dobras on YouTube: PART THREE- More of Ms. Dobras
This is a story about roots–Ms. Dobras’s and mine. In the photo above, I am standing in the dry San […]
Making with Ms. Dobras on YouTube: PART TWO, What is making?
Sunny, you will meet her when you go to any of the Making with Ms. Dobras postings on YouTube. Hi […]
Making with Ms. Dobras on YouTube: PART ONE
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Meet my friend, Ms. Dobras, who has taught in San Francisco, and is now teaching Making to […]
Henry Loves “Junk Reading:” Horrors. Nope.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, First, the photo at the top is just our little reminder to ourselves… Now, on to the […]
Ann, a Pilgrim: “People Are Good.”
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As you know, my blog tends to capture (a) what is happening in my life and/or (b) […]
Learning with Your Kids at Home: Some Resources
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In what follows I will share a few resources, which you might want to use at home, […]
Mem Fox & How This Blog Evolves
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes I am asked how I write this blog, WinkWorld. The truth is that it just sort […]
Guided Self-Selected Reading (GSSR): Krashen and Mason
Hello WinkWorld Readers, this post is for reading teachers, families, and all who care about literacy, What in the world […]
Influential She
Dear WinkWorld readers, be forewarned, there is a bit of self-promotion coming…. However, I truly am honored to have been […]
Prairie School Post (PSP): A Student Newsletter
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Back to one of my favorite topics: Prairie Pedagogy. In this issue I will share a series […]
Shoebox Autobiographies: Funds of Knowledge and Steph Paterson of CSU Stanislaus
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Teachers, the shoebox autobiographies are a good way of building community. CSUS friends, I was able to […]
Prairie Pedagogy: A Country Christmas Celebration
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Yes, these one and two-room country schools in our area still have Christmas school programs, which some […]
Thank You, Librarians: A Story About Stealing (and returning) Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Got a couple of minutes? You won’t forget this story. Thank you to Sharon Biegen for sharing […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Grandparents’ Day Program at Atall School
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I was lucky enough to attend Grandparents’ Day Program at Atall School on the isolated prairies. […]
InfluentialSHE and 3 Models of Pedagogy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In this issue of WinkWorld, I will introduce you to InfluentialSHE, and tell you the story of […]
Wyoming: Language Acquisition
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am preparing to make a trip to Wyoming to share with teachers about language acquisition. I […]
Top Stories
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am putting this blog post together for a couple of different groups who want to talk […]
How I got my first Sturgis library card and the poem, “Lovebrarians.”
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I just sat down to do a new WinkWorld and realized that I had never posted this […]
The Power of Story: A video with Dawn and Joan – How we learned to read
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A fast video clip (3 minutes), which I was just reviewing for a couple of different groups. […]
Kids, Cows, and Community: Prairie Pedagogy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As some of you know, Missy Urbaniak and I have been writing about prairie pedagogy. Recently, we […]
Sturgis Public Library, September 17, 2019: Children’s Library Renovation
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Oh, how I love a good celebration of literacy. Sturgis Public Library: You know how to do […]
Transactional, Transformational, and Louise Rosenblatt
(Photo credit: Kerry Frei, who captured the sign which dear Cuzzin’ Zane made for us.) Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have […]
My Favorite Teacher: Update August 26, 2019
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am often asked who my favorite teacher was, and even though I am very aware that […]
Everyday Native: Free Resources, Grades 4-12.
Dear WinkWorld, Apparently, I had to go to Arizona to learn about Everyday Native, an online program, which offers FREE […]
How To Help Your Child Become an Avid Reader, Jeff McQuillan
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Families and teachers: This one is for you! Jeff McQuillan, thank you for telling the story of […]
Summer Reading: Books Beget Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Thank you, Kerry Frei, for the photo of the sign which dear Cuzzin’ Zane King made for […]
Gary, the Tall Montana Cowboy, Reflects on His Favorite Childhood Story
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am reviewing this story for another project, and just decided to share with you, too. I […]
How I Learned to Read (a 5 minute video)
Image by Illustrator Katie Knox. Hi WinkWorld Readers, A colleague reminded me about this video recently. It answers the question: […]
Stories Trump Grammar
Dear WinkWorld Readers, ALERT: Self-promotion post coming your way. One of the most difficult aspects of being an author is […]
Beautiful Books by the Churchmans
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous WinkWorld, I wrote about Free-range Reading*, a literacy activity which celebrates the freedom to […]
Prairie Pedagogy: A Reflection on Free-range Reading
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous WinkWorld (re-posted at the bottom of this blog), I mentioned that I was going […]
Free-range Reading: What in the World Is It?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a reader of this blog, you are aware of my interest in prairie pedagogy, […]
Honoring Teachers: My All-Time Fav, Profe Beto
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This is the week that we are all honoring teachers. There is not doubt in my mind […]
Adapting to the Future: Gotta be Nimble and Quick
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Those who can adapt to change are those who will thrive in the future. I thought of this […]
75: I highly recommend it.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The Wink family March Madness Birthday Bash has finally come to a successful end–much to the relief of all […]
“Lovebrarians” by Laurie Halse Anderson
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This poem, Lovebrarians, comes from a new book, SHOUT: A Poetry Memoir by Laurie Halse Anderson, available now […]
Three of My Artist Friends
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This issue will be very different from my usual posts, but I want to share some of […]
Tucson Festival of Books (TFoB) 2019
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This weekend is the Tucson Festival of Books (TFoB), when more than 100,000 are expected to come to […]
EQRC and CARE Conferences: Update
Dear WinkWorld readers, I am reposting all updated documents which we used at the EQRC and CARE conferences, as per the […]
Research Rapture and The Din In The Head: Part Two
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Previously, I posted my thoughts on research rapture and the din in the head on WinkWorld (May 2, […]
Prairie Pedagogy: The Book Challenge, or Just Read, Read, Read.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Missy Urbaniak, teacher at a tiny 2-room school on the prairies and Donalyn Miller, literacy guru, are […]
EQRC & CARE Documents for Participants
Dear WinkWorld Readers & EQRC and CARE participants, These documents are posted here for the participants attending our two sessions at […]
Visually Vygotsky: Our Guide to Images, Stories, and Newsletters
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Later this month, my friend/colleague, Le Putney of UNLV and I will be presenting on Vygotksy at […]
Critical Pedagogy: A New Review
Dear WinkWorld Readers, What a nice surprise popped into my email today. I do not know this reviewer, nor this journal, but […]
What? Stories Are Data? (bibliography included)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We don’t want data–we want a good story. We don’t remember facts, but we never forget a good […]
Storytelling & Dementia
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Often times readers will read a book and then reach out to the author. I am always […]
Steve Krashen on Open Access
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am happy to share Steve Krashen’s thoughts on easy and free access to all scientific knowledge, […]
Fall 2018: “It takes a ranch.”
Dear WinkWorld Readers, So often, it seems that Dawn, our daughter, captures stories of our life. She has done it again […]
Storytelling: Do I have anything?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, recently I was asked by a colleague if I had anything on storytelling: Yes. You may remember […]
Prairie Winter & Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, this is the type of day which gives prairie winters a bad name…. However, I am happy […]
Writing Projects: 2019
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the photo above, you can see that I am enjoying one of my fav things: Reading to […]
Joan & Dawn: The Personal and The Professional
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As you know, my blog tends to be anything interesting, which is happening in my life. Sometimes my […]
Confessions of a Podcast Nerd: “Check This Out”
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I confess, I am a podcast nerd. I have been planning to share with you some of […]
Just Some Books Lying Around Here
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We have just returned to the SD ranch from AZ, and I was not sure what I should write […]
What is the idea generator? Part Two
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous issue of WinkWorld, I told a story about the idea generator (see bottom of this […]
What is the idea generator? Part One
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In a previous WinkWorld (posted below) I mentioned the idea generator when writing about Lisa and Chyllis and the Becoming a Better […]
Anita Hill: A Personal Thank You
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are a reader of WinkWorld, you know that I promised a story about the idea […]
Chyllis, A Special Project Inspired By Lisa
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This one is mostly for teachers and teacher educators. You may remember my former student, Lisa, who […]
Janet Visits the Prairies
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Janet Towell is a dear friend from my CA days. Our offices were right beside each other, and we […]
Riding Horses to the First Day of School: Hereford (K-8) School
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We often read in the academic literature that schools of the future will thrive if they also serve […]
Library Resources for the Mainstream Teacher (or, any of us)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Linda Huff, a teacher in Texas, was kind enough to share a short story about when […]
Shadowing a Student: What, Why, How
Hi WinkWorld Readers, Teachers and Teacher Educators, this one is really for you. About 6 months ago, a colleague, Beth […]
Many Ways to Begin the School Year: Annie, Missy, and Tammy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, There are many great ways to begin a new school year, and I hope you will share your […]
Comprehensible and Compelling by Krashen, Lee, Lao (2018): My Review
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Teachers, family members with kids in schools, and all people interested in literacy and learning: This one is for […]
Those People
Dear WinkWord Readers, A group of graduate students and I wrote and published this piece, Those People, in 1997. Sadly, […]
State Mandated Tests: Which Do You Choose?
Hey Teacher Friends and Families with Kids in Schools, This WinkWorld is for you. IF you could choose which test to […]
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Dawn, our daughter, just wrote on her blog, DewDrops, about our branding in late May. These memories […]
Literacy, Part 3: Reading the Word and the World.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous two posts on literacy*, I wrote about newer perspectives on literacy. We used to […]
Danger: Slip, sliding into the dreaded Summer Slump
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Beware the Summer (reading) Slump! Don’t let it happen to you and yours. Just grab a book, kick […]
Part Two: What is literacy?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In my previous short blog post (What is literacy?), I mentioned that 3 different groups had asked me lots […]
What is literacy?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the past month, I have been asked by 3 different groups: What is literacy? I suspect […]
Tammy’s Professional Reading: 41 Professional Books this Summer
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the last WinkWorld, I wrote about Lisa, who read 2,684 picture books during the last academic […]
Lisa, You Read 2,648 Picture Books This Year? Tell Us More.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Lisa MacKenzie-Miller of CA, a former graduate student, posted on social media that she had read 2,648 books during […]
Why read? Rosie Rae and “Russ on Reading” Have the Answer
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Russ Walsh (Russ on Reading) and Rosie Ray, 4th grade student, tell us how to encourage reading […]
TAA (Texbook & Academic Authors Association)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, For years, my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Pam Sharpe, has told me to join TAA, and for […]
Synergy Is Synergy: Joan Sandin, Sister Bourne, & A Night-blooming Cereus
Dear WinkWorld Readers, On my walk to the University of Arizona this morning, I re-learned that “synergy is synergy,” as my colleague […]
Branding and the Day After
Dear WinkWorld Readers For my non-prairie friends, the annual branding is a big day in the year. Branding Day Here […]
Sanford Underground Research Facility: a.k.a., Grampy’s Old Homestake Mine
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Well, Homestake Mine of Lead, SD wasn’t really Grampy’s, but I did believe that he was the most […]
Why a School Is Not a Business
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A special THANK YOU to Jaime Volmer for sharing this story about blueberries with us. It might […]
Why humanities?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I read several articles about tech companies searching to hire humanities graduates. I will post a […]
Research Rapture and The Din In The Head
Thank you to Katie Knox for the images. Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am playing with several new ideas (ok, researching) […]
Kelly’s Petting Zoo
Dear WinkWorld, Readers, you know that my blog tends to be whatever is hanging out on my desktop or in my […]
TESOL 2018, Biliteracy: Our Best Bet
Dear WinkWorld Readers, TESOL 2018 friends, this one is for you. Dawn and I will be sharing during PreK-12 Day. […]
Dawn’s Review of “The Power of Story,” Part Two
Dear WinkWorld Readers, It is humbling to read this 2nd review by Dawn Wink of my new book, The Power of Story. […]
Thank you, Perry Gilmore: Kisisi
Dear WinkWorld Readers, What in the world is Kisisi? It is an invented language between two little five-year-old boys, one, […]
Dawn Wink on “The Power of Story”
Dear WinkWorld Readers, So yesterday morning, I got up to this surprise on my Facebook (FB) feed. #speechless #humbled And, […]
An Effective Principal in Action
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This week I am in Las Vegas, working with colleagues at a school and also presenting at a […]
Mentoring: Our Academic Family Tree
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Forgive all of my back-to-back burst of blog posts. You can probably tell that I am getting ready […]
Prairie Pedagogy: A Story about a Bromeliad and a Geranium
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Previously, I wrote about the scientific method which is being used in a rural school near us. You […]
Storytelling as Research: A Bibliography
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The beauty of a blog is that you can read, whenever you have time or interest. […]
If You Don’t Know the Prairies: A Story
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We tried something new when the blizzard was about ready to hit us here on the prairies. […]
More Treasures
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I posted some treasures* which we found while cleaning out boxes, cubbies, closets, etc. Well, it […]
So, This Just Happened
So, WinkWorld Readers, this just happened. Wink has been cleaning out the garage and hauling in filthy boxes, which neither of […]
Dawn Doig: Three New Children’s Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Dawn Doig is a former graduate student who was in one of classes in Mallorca Spain during […]
Back to Robert Frost
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently I posted a blog about Robert Frost, in which I visited a school and read the […]
These Hot Springs readers are hot, hot, hot.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Often times, readers of WinkWorld will share with me privately and not in our comment section. No […]
Nadifa: An Interview by KELO.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I posted a short piece about Nadifa, and I’m thrilled that she has now been interviewed […]
Lisa Westbrook: How/why to spiral bind a book
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Lisa Westbrook, a colleague and friend from TX, wrote to me about her Mystery Red Books Bookshelf. […]
Reading For Meaning: The BEST 12 Minute Video of your Day
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Please find 12 minutes to relax and watch this video from Debbie Stone Bruell. She has taken […]
Display of Data or Doodles?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I posted a Steve Krashen (2005) article about what good writers (GWs) do, and what good […]
Jack Frost or Robert Frost?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In December, I went to one of our local* rural schools on the prairies to read some […]
Krashen: How good writers, write.
(pens/pencils from Dreamstime, 60890206) Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, Steve Krashen reminded me of a paper he had published in […]
Krashen/McQuillan (2018). Should we encourage e-reading? (in press)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am sharing this one with permission. Happy Reading, Everyone. Krashen 2018 Should we encourage e-reading? This […]
The Harvest of my Career: And, a Refugee from Chad
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The harvest of my career: This is how I think of my time on the Board of Regents in South […]
A Creative Table of Contents: Missy and Susan
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As I mentioned in the previous WinkWorld, people begin to create amazing gifts to give to an […]
The Good and the Bad of Publishing a Book: My Mighty Marketing Team
Dear WinkWorld Readers, There is such joy in finishing a book and finally holding it in your hands. The good […]
“The Power of Story” Is Now Available
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The birthing of a new book: There is just nothing quite like it. After months/years of musing, […]
Name Dropped from WinkWorld Readership
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have recently learned that the software for WinkWorld dropped a few names from the readership. I […]
The Price of Books
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Steve Krashen has warned us about pricing ourselves out of the market, if our books are long, boring, […]
A great trip to AZ and CA
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I’ve been lucky to enjoy a couple of great trips the last month. First, I went to California […]
DSU: What does a cyber attack look like?
Dear WinkWorld Readers Did you ever wonder what a cyber attack looks like? Dakota State University has an wall-sized monitor […]
Linda Darling-Hammond to you from Diane Ravitch
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Diane Ravitch is generously sharing with all of us the opportunity to hear Linda Darling-Hammond, October 19, […]
Judith Green: Ethnography
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am still lucky enough to work with a few doc students, and this post is specifically […]
Prairie Pedagogy: The Scientific Method
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The following story is about the Scientific Method and some of my pitiful house plants. I realize that in […]
Project GLAD(R): See you soon!
Dear WinkWorld readers, soon I will be teaching/learning with a marvelous group of Project GLAD(R) teachers of Orange Country Office of […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Scones and Croquet
Dear WinkWorld Readers, if you follow this blog, you know that I love to visit Atall School, which is a rural […]
Chicken Little Was Right.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes the roles of writer, rancher, and/or professor blur a bit–for example, today. I got up early again […]
Bilingual Bibliography
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As you know, WinkWorld tends to be whatever is lying around on my desk or my computer […]
Dakota State University: Small, but Mighty
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As part of the South Dakota Board of Regents, I get to work with very good people on […]
Sing it, Reba. Thank you, Patricia Polacco.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, sing it, wherever you are. I would not have known about this song without the wisdom and […]
STEM Crisis? What is the evidence?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes this blog has tidbits which interest some of you. Sometimes, not so much. However, WinkWorld also […]
A Morning Walk on the Prairies
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Just a little glimpse into one morning last week on the ranch. First, I did my 6 […]
Scaffolding with Students: What? Why? How?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A colleague and I were discussing scaffolding, which led me to review some of my materials. The […]
Whole Language Umbrella, Tucson 2017
It happened: I hit PUBLISH after the draft only version. Every blogger’s worse nightmare. Forgive me. I’ll edit and be […]
The Power of Story Chapter Seven
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Chapter Seven, Patience and Fortitude, is the final chapter of the book. Patience and Fortitude are the names of the […]
The Power of Story Chapter Six
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Here we go with a peak into chapter six, Into the Clouds. This is the pixel or paper chapter. I […]
The Power of Story Chapter Five
Dear WinkWorld Readers, On we go to chapter five, Of Immigrants and Imagination. First, an mage that chapter, which Katie Knox created for […]
The Power of Story Chapter Four
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Here we go with a glimpse into chapter four, High-Stakes Stories. Remember all of those feel-good stories of the […]
The Power of Story Chapter Three
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I’m back with a glimpse into chapter three, Animals and the Alphabet. Yesterday on a early morning walk to […]
The Power of Story: Chapter Two
Hi WinkWorld Readers, I am still sitting here working on copy edits and sharing a bit as I go. Here is a […]
The Power of Story: Chapter One
OK, WinkWorld Readers, here is a little overview of chapter one, as I finish the copy edit for this section. […]
The Power of Story: Preface
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As I mentioned in an earlier blog posting this a.m., I am in the midst of a copy […]
Hunkered Down on My Dear Desert
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Time to hunkered down on my dear desert and begin/end all of the copy edits from the book […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Trailin Talks Trucks
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you have been following my blog, you are aware that one book project, “The Power of Story” […]
The Power of Story (my next book)
Hey WinkWorld Readers, Look what I just found on my publisher’s webpages; I had not yet seen this cover. The […]
Prairie Pedagogy: Paul Interviews Missy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Meet the wonderful Atall School (K-8) of Meade County, South Dakota. As some of you know, I […]
Personalized Learning = CBE: Ka-ching.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, What in the world is personalized learning? It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Be careful. I have […]
What is the ZPD? Or, How To Clean A White Board, or Mumbo Jumbo Theory
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I was recently reminded of this story, which was published originally in “A Vision of Vygotsky,” […]
Steven M. Singer: Kids are a captive market for the testing industry.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous WinkWorld, I shared Nancy Bailey’s thoughts on what happens when librarians are replaced by computers. […]
Nancy Bailey: Librarians or Computers?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I rarely repost another’s blog, as there is already access for all. However, recently, there have been […]
Reading During the Testing Season
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is for all the teachers who are slogging through testing season. Teachers, I know you […]
Those People: You Know How They Are
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, while working on a project with CO colleagues, I came across this long-forgotten article buried deep […]
Pre-K Babes Who Speak Other Languages at Home: What do we do?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A colleague in Colorado invited me to work with her during an online inservice in late March. The participants […]
IJFLT Shares Recent Stephen D. Krashen Videos.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, IJFLT (International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching), a fav journal, just published two recent (November 2016) videos from Steve […]
A Valentine’s Greeting: Thank you, Krista Tippett
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Valentine’s Day provides an opportunity for me to share one of my favorite radio shows, “On […]
How are US Schools doing when compared with schools internationally?
Thank you, Katie Knox, for your drawing. Dear WinkWorld Readers, How are our schools doing when we compare them with […]
Verbal to Visual: Teachers, Students, Librarians, Readers, and Writers
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Just a fast post to share a great example of how to jazz up Cornell Notes, have […]
Post-truth, Fake News, Elephants, and Stories
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I hate it that the Oxford Dictionary now even has a definition for ‘post-truth,’ which they have chosen as […]
Road Warrior Literacy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I gave myself a little break from writing and from social media during the holidays. However, I’m […]
Flat Stanley, or Jaylee on a Journey with Joan
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you are aware of Flat Stanley and Flat Stella literacy and community project. The […]
Teaching as Mentoring.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you may remember that last February I wrote a WinkWorld to honor the work of […]
Storytelling, Listening, and Love by Dr. Janet Towell
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you know my dear friend and colleague, Janet Towell, of Florida Atlantic University. Janet and […]
GLAD: Guided Language Acquisition Design
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I have been revisiting Project GLAD and want to share a peak into the process. First, I will […]
Spiral of Literacy with a New Blank Spiral for Your Own Use
Hi WinkWorld Readers, Previously, I have shared the Spiral of Literacy, which is a great, reflective activity. However, I have […]
In An Evil State, Far, Far Away
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am inspired by many women to bring this true story back with the hope that it […]
Libraries: What will they be like in 10 years?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, A blog from OnlineUniversities (April 24, 2012 by Staff Writers) predicts what libraries will be like in […]
Buffalo Roundup (9-30-2016)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, we have focused on linguistics and language acquisition from Ruthie Wienk, and now we will jump […]
Language Acquisition: 3 perspectives by Ruthie Wienk
Dear WinkWorld Readers, You may remember that in a previous edition of WinkWorld, Ruthie Wienk shared her introduction to a linguistics […]
Translingualism from David Schwarzer
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you may remember that I recently posted Translanguaging: What In The World Is That? After that […]
Paper or Pixel–Laptop or Longhand?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is really for a group of friends/colleagues on Facebook, but this is just the easiest […]
Ruthie Wienk, introductory presentation on linguistics
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the last WinkWorld, I mentioned to you that we would begin a short series of selected videos from […]
Translanguaging? What in the world is that?
Hello, WinkWorld Readers, A few of you are as excited about translanguaging, as I. In this post, I am including some […]
I’m Back: UofA and Grambling Marching Bands
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Forgive my absence. Let’s just call it my summer vacation. But, I’m back. In this WinkWorld, I want to […]
Palma de Mallorca, Spain July 2016
Dear WinkWorld Readers, On my morning walk today, I realized that the cathedral was on my right, and… and, the […]
Link to Wink: 2010
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The series of chapter summaries on my book-in-progress has now been interrupted by my teaching international educators […]
Of Stories and Standards, ch 4 in the series
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The peak into my book-in-process continues. Briefly, I have given you a glimpse into Chapter 1 (literacy), […]
Animals & The Alphabet, ch 3 in the series
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the first two chapters, we looked at literacy and stories, and now we are moving on […]
Loving Those Stories, Chapter Two (series: Update on My Writing)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you are following along in this series of blog posts, you will remember that Chapter One, Loving […]
Loving That Literacy, Chapter One (2nd part of Update on My Writing)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This is the 2nd part of a glimpse into my work on the next book, which will […]
Update On My Writing:
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As some of you know, I am working on a new book about literacy stories. A few […]
Joanne Yatvin: What We Want for Schools
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am a long-time fan of Joanne Yatvin, who is a highly experienced teacher, principal, and superintendent. […]
Free Online Books for Kids: Thanks, Jill Outka-Hill.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, No slip, sliding behind in reading this summer for your kids! Here is a list of FREE […]
What Diane Ravitch Would Say to Obama, Clinton, and Trump Today
Dear WinkWorld Readers, So, what should we do in K-12 schools today? Here are great ideas for your consideration. Thank you, […]
Some resources on my webpages: Help yourselves, Teachers.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Here are some resources from my website. Help yourself. Can you tell that I am getting ready […]
Steve Krashen by Deb Harrison
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Deb Harrison is a teacher in WY, and while she was in my classes at BHSU, she […]
Diary of a 50th Anniversary: June 4, 1966 to 2016
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We decided that the best 50th anniversary (June 4, 1966 to 2016) for us would be to […]
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Normally, in this blog, I try to share some little tidbit, often related to kids and cows, […]
The Wizard of Oz and a Cowboy
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Some of you know that I am busy working on the next book, which will focus on […]
Karly on Krashen + video clip of 2 readers
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In this issue, I will share a product from my class at Black Hills State University (BHSU) this […]
Sonia Nieto: Language, Literacy, and Diversity (GCLR archive)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In this issue, you will find the archive of Sonia Nieto speaking on Language, Literacy, and Diversity […]
Testing: Good News, Bad News, and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News
Dear WinkWorld readers, I’ve got good news, bad news, and terrible, horrible, no good, very bad news. My question: Why do […]
Kitchen Calves
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Today on the ranch. I seem to remember reading some pesky memo, which said that I […]
Post TESOL 2016 in Baltimore
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is primarily for my teacher friends and colleagues in TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers […]
TESOL: 1966 to 2016
Dear WinkWord Readers, This post is for all of my TESOL (Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages) friends and colleagues. See […]
BEST 90th Birthday Party Ever
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In this edition, I will try to capture bit of magic: The 90th birthday party for Betty Jay, […]
March Madness from Tammy McMorrow
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Thank you, Tammy McMorrow, for sharing, yet another classroom treasure with us. Enjoy. March Madness
Reflecting on My Birthday: 10 Years Cancer Free
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As someone once said to me, “I love your daughter’s blog, but yours is all about learning.” I […]
Dear WinkWorld Readers, We, prairie people, get really excited about hummingbirds, and with all of the news of the Tucson Festival […]
Tucson Festival of Books (TFoB): Post Festival Reflections
Dear WinkWorld Readers, The Tucson Festival of Books (TFoB) ended yesterday with 140,000 of my best friends celebrating literacy. I arrived on […]
Tucson Festival of Books (TFoB)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, TFoB: Life is just too short to ever miss this wonderful event where 10s of thousands of […]
Getting Books into The Hands of Kids (Week 9, sort of…)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes it just falls smack into your lap, when you least expect it. I was beating myself […]
Week 8, 3.1: Critical Pedagogy: Notes from the Real World
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This week, the teachers have been playing with and reviewing some of the ideas found in Critical Pedagogy: […]
The Chaos by Dr. Gerard Nolst Trenité, 1922
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This one is just for fun. Can you read this entire poem aloud? At the bottom of […]
Week 7: 2.23, Tech Tools and Voki
WinkWorld Readers, again this issue is for the teachers in my class, but you are more than welcome to come […]
ESSA: What does it mean for kids and teachers?
Dear WinkWorld Readership, I know that many of us are trying to understand the new education bill, Every Student Succeeds […]
Week 6, 2.16, Krashen: Pulls it all together in 25 minutes.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, as you can guess, I am posting this for the teachers in my class, but any of […]
Of Books and Blogs
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I am often asked what I read. Here are a few blogs and books, which I am […]
MHS in AZ: Making More Memories
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This issue of WW is especially for dear friends of many years ago. Recently, a group of […]
Week 5, 2.9, ZPD
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Here we are again, but this one is for the teachers in my class. I love it […]
Week Four, 2.2.16 (Generative Learning)
Dear WinkWorld Readers, remember this one is for the teachers in my class. Join us if you like. Class, in […]
Does real reading really help real reading? The Book Whisperer answers.
Donalyn Miller generously shares her thoughts and a great overview of the research (if you must have it). Or, just […]
Week Three, 1.26.2016, The Big Ideas
Dear WinkWorld Readers, remember this is for my class. No required reading for you. “Please, please, please do not throw […]
Why Stories? The Answer from Carmine Gallo
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I know that many of you are aware of this, but I wanted to share, in case […]
Week Two, 1.19.2016
Dear WinkWorld Readers, remember this is for my class, and you do not have to read it… Class, in what […]
Fun With Words, Collective Nouns
Dear WinkWorld Readers, This post is specifically for teachers, who just want to have a little fun with words today […]
Remember Those 2 Young Boys from the Congo?
Remember the two young boys from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), who suddenly found themselves living with new […]
Class: Week One, The Heart and Soul of our Foundations Class
Dear WinkWorld Readers, please remember that this post is specifically for the teachers in my class at Black Hills State […]
How WinkWorld Will Change
Dear WinkWorld Readership, I have wanted to refer to my blog, as irreverent and irregular, but that is already taken: […]
Power UP: Book-At-A-Glance
When I prepare to teach a class, I always like to create a document, which is labeled, Semester-At-A-Glance. Hopefully, this […]
Baby Monet
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Let me introduce you to Baby Monet, 5 months old. Obviously, in […]
Strega Nona, Atall School, & Country Kids
December 16, 2015 Dear WinkWorld Readers, If you follow this blog, you are aware that I love going to Atall […]
Whatever Happened with Those 2 Boys from the Congo?
Dear WinkWorld Readers, You may remember a couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog about 2 boys from the Democratic Republic […]
Krashen in 6 minutes–with our apologies to Steve for his vast contributions.
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As some of you know, Deb Harrison of Moorcroft WY teaches English to high school juniors and […]
The Power of Reading Is My Home Run Reading Book
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, Deb Harrison, a high school English teacher in WY and a graduate student in my class […]
Why stories? Ruthie and Regression Help Us Understand
October 30, 2015 Dear WinkWorld Readers, You may remember that recently, I asked the question: Why stories? I used the […]
2 New Students from the Congo
Dear WinkWorld Readers, I need your help. Last night I received a question from a teacher in Wyoming, who had […]
Critters, Polacco, Novak, & Atall
Dear WinkWorld Readership, Yesterday I drove to a local school, Atall, about 50 miles away to read a story, and […]
4 Questions about Stories
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In what follow, I will focus on 4 questions: What are stories?, What are your favorite stories?, […]
A Peek Into Our Class
Dear WinkWorld Readers, As some of you know, I continue to teach part-time in the English as a New Language […]
Buffalo: Custer State Park, SD
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Normally, I share something for teachers and/or teacher educators, but in this issue I will share something for […]
Krashen videos: Update
Dear WinkWorld Readers, In the previous WinkWorld, I shared a Word doc, created by Deb Harrison, which shared several of Krashen’s […]
Krashen, Harrison, and Wink videos
September 22, 2015 Dear WinkWorld Readers, This WinkWorld edition is primarily for those interested in literacy and language acquisition. First, […]
Intentional and Incidental Learning
WinkWorld September 2, 2015 Dear WinkWorld readership, Now that the school year has begun, I want to return to my […]
Why Stories?
I have been thinking a lot about stories lately. Why is it that we love to hear a good story? […]
Socrates Returns to the Classroom
I have written and presented on the reflective cycle or Socratic teaching and learning in various places. If you are […]
Summer Reading: Get Your Free Book Here
June 6, 2015 No slip, sliding into the summer slump–the reading slump, that is. Families and teachers often worry about […]
Reflection: Not About a Cow
Today when I was out for my morning walk, I came upon this particular heifer. This made me think that […]
My Reading of “Book With No Pictures”
Atall School Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak Recently, I again visited some of my favorite kids in the whole […]
Thank you, IASL.
Thank you to IASL (International Association of School Librarians) for the invitation to come to Austin to share some of […]
Literacy and Love Last: Darcie, One of The Benson Kids
WinkWorld March 30, 2015 Dear WinkWorld Readership, Much of what I know about teaching and learning, I learned from The […]
Tucson Festival of Books: WOW
Dear WinkWorld Readers, Recently, I attended the Tucson Festival of Books, and once again, it was an amazing group of […]
Books Beget Books: Burnett Did This to Me
Dear WinkWorld Readers, this post is a bit longer than I usually post: Here, I have the equivalent of 3 […]
Poe and Powtoons
I love it when teachers and students in various classes find unique ways to solve problems. For example, last […]
No Cow Left Behind
This idea was originally written by Ken Remsen, a school principal from Vermont, and was based on farming and falling […]
The Passing of Richard Ruíz of the University of Arizona
February 10, 2015 We are saddened to learn of the unexpected passing of Dr. Richard Ruíz, who had a long […]
Joan’s YouTube Videos, Language Acquisition
The following videos were created between 2011 and 2014 for specific graduate classes with the support of Cal State Stanislaus […]
Oh Fudge
WinkWorld “I love your fudge recipe,” Josie said to me. “May I have it?” “Sure, I’ve got the recipe in […]
WinkWorld: Teachers Sharing Diverse Projects
One of my great joys of retirement is that I get to work with local teachers in various contexts. In […]
WinkWorld: Teachers Sharing Diverse Projects
January 20, 2015 One of my great joys of retirement is that I get to work with local teachers in […]
WinkWorld: Change is hard.
The Problem: Change. In 2014 I changed from the more static electronic newsletter, WinkWorld, to the more interactive blog, The […]
The Benson Kids
Much of what I know about teaching and learning, I learned from The Benson Kids in the late 1970s and […]
Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association
NRMERA Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Historic Hotel Alex Johnson Rapid City, SD October 1-4, 2014 Theme of Conference: […]
A Dynamite Dinosaur Day, 9.14.2014
66 million years ago, or so the story goes, dinosaurs roamed South Dakota. (Actually, I was not there, so I […]
A brief glimpse of Mallorca, Spain
Best Gig in the World: Teaching/learning with international teachers in Mallorca. Our class of 24 active and engaged teachers represent […]
The Problem & The Fix: Broken Waterlines
You may have heard of all of flooding and erosion near our ranch. For example, the primary East/West road (Highway […]
Arne Duncan and a Little Girl, named, “Susan”
Today I read that Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, dismisses those who question Common Core and Smarter Balanced Assessments as […]
WinkWorld, March 2014, is published.
The latest WinkWorld (March 2014) has gone out to my readership list. In addition, it is linked to FB, Twitter, […]
WinkWorld is back.
Hello Friends, I have made some major changes on my webpages, which will hopefully feel seamless for you. Previously, WinkWorld […]