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Karly on Krashen + video clip of 2 readers

Karly on Krashen + video clip of 2 readers

May 2, 2016

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

In this issue, I will share a product from my class at Black Hills State University (BHSU) this spring.  A teacher, Karly Cheney-Werner of Wyoming compiled this information based on a new Krashen video, the collective summaries of that video by her colleagues, and her own synthesis.

First, we watched Steve Krashen’s video,

The class focused specifically on his explanations of “communication,” and each teacher synthesized their own understandings.

Next, Karly synthesized the learning of her colleagues. Enjoy.

Karly on Krashen

After Karly turned in her final project, she had a healthy baby girl, and then shared a video clip, which shows her son reading to his new little sister.  Thank you, Karly for sharing.








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