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A Creative Table of Contents: Missy and Susan

A Creative Table of Contents: Missy and Susan

December 9, 2017

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

As I mentioned in the previous WinkWorld, people begin to create amazing gifts to give to an author after her book is published.

For example, Missy Urbaniak, created a visual Table of Contents (TOC) for me during the long months when I was writing.  I have shared the chapter-by-chapter TOC previously.


Chapter One, Loving That Literacy

Chapter Two, Loving Those Stories 

Chapter Three, Animals and the Alphabet

Chapter Four, High-Stakes Stories 

Chapter Five, Of Immigrants and Imagination 

Chapter Six, Into the Cloud 

Chapter Seven, Patience and Fortitude: The Future 

Next, Susan of Susan Henley Design,  put all of these together for me on one PDF.  Incidentally, Missy lives in SD, and Susan in CA, and they have never met.  I know you cannot read the post below as it may be too small, but my PDF is very readable.

Being able to  glance at my visual TOC, while working on the book, has been very helpful.  Thank you, Missy and Susan.

Later, the publisher removed my 4-level TOC from the book, but I have placed it right here  for your convenience.  I am an avid TOC-user.

Last week I received a surprise package in the mail, and Susan had also created a large poster of the visual TOC as a gift for me.  Thank you so much Missy and Susan. I really love what the two of you created together – without ever meeting each other.

Have poster. Will travel.




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