Dear WinkWorld Readers,
We continue with our series on “the big picture” of language acquisition. In this series, we are attempting to connect language acquisition–whether it be in a French class, a bilingual education class, an ESL class, a sign language class, or literacy development, etc. I am attempting to get a lot of materials posted in one place for colleagues’ ease of use. As I am retired, I do not want my treasured materials in some dirty ol’ box out in the barn. I prefer you take what you need and adapt it to fit the needs of your own context. A citation is always appreciated it.
I may have to eventually interrupt this series, as life goes on, and I have other thoughts to share. For example this month we have been to my 60th high school class reunion and also our undergraduate college reunion. I must capture those memories and try to share the magic.
In what follows, the 4th post in this series, I am sharing the work of Richard Ruíz. Sadly, he left us way too early, but his ideas continue to inform language acquisition. Do you think of language as a problem, a right, or a resource? In addition, you can always count on Lev Vygotsky, a voice from the past, to lead us into the future.
Happy Reading, Writing, and Thinking!
Here it is in a previous WinkWorld.
Teaching As Mentoring
And, here it is in the original publication.
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