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Teaching As Mentoring: Language-as-a-problem, a-right, or a-resource?

Teaching As Mentoring: Language-as-a-problem, a-right, or a-resource?

July 22, 2022

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

We continue with our series on “the big picture” of language acquisition.  In this series, we are attempting to connect language acquisition–whether it be in a French class, a bilingual education class, an ESL class, a sign language class, or literacy development, etc.  I am attempting to get a lot of materials posted in one place for colleagues’ ease of use.   As I am retired, I do not want my treasured materials in  some dirty ol’ box out in the barn.  I prefer you take what you need and adapt it to fit the needs of your own context. A citation is always appreciated it.

I may have to eventually interrupt this series, as life goes on, and I have other thoughts to share.  For example this month we have been to my 60th high school class reunion and  also our undergraduate college reunion.  I must capture those memories and  try to share the magic.

In what follows, the 4th post in this series, I am sharing the work of Richard Ruíz.  Sadly, he left us way too early, but his ideas continue to inform language acquisition.  Do you think of language as a problem, a right, or a resource?  In addition, you can always count on Lev Vygotsky, a voice from the past, to lead us into the future.

Happy Reading, Writing, and Thinking!

Here it is in a  previous WinkWorld.

Teaching As  Mentoring

Teaching as Mentoring.

And, here it is in the original publication.

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