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Nancy Bailey: Librarians or Computers?

Nancy Bailey: Librarians or Computers?

April 10, 2017

Dear WinkWorld Readers,

I rarely repost another’s blog, as there is already access for all.  However, recently, there have been two blogs (one from Nancy Bailey and another from Steven Singer), which I really want to highlight for you.

First, Nancy Bailey asks/answers the question: How are students hurt by replacing school librarians and libraries with computers?  

I hope you appreciate this blog post as much as I do.  You will notice that Steve Krashen jumped right in and said, “And there’s more!!! For many students, libraries are the only source of books for recreational reading, shown again and again to be the major source of literacy development.”  Thanks for always keeping us on our toes, Steve.

Please explore Nancy’s fabulous sharing  at  Nancy Bailey’s Education Website:  Revive, Rally, and Recover Public Schools.

Steven M. Singer is on deck next.

Thank you, Nancy and Steven and Steve.

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