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CARE Conference, March 21/22, 2022 (virtual)

CARE Conference, March 21/22, 2022 (virtual)

March 11, 2022

Photo  credit: dbd


Dear WinkWorld Readers,

OK, I admit: My blog, WinkWorld, is quite eclectic.  Last time I wrote about blue racer snakes on the ranch…er, hanging from the ceiling, and this time I am writing about a professional educational conference, CARE, which has been sponsored by UNLV and Clark County School District of Las Vegas. 

CARE, Conference on Academic Research in Education

Click HERE to visit the CARE website.

This year the conference will be virtual, and I have the pleasure of introducing  three new docs and their research: Dr. York, Dr. Herman, and Dr. Wink.   The presentation was initiated last year, when I served on two of these committees (no, not on Dawn’s).  I noticed that these three young doc students were having totally different experiences – based on their program, their chair, their university, and who each of them were as researchers.  It was fascinating.

This blog post will be longer than my normal, but I need a place to save our CARE materials for the virtual conference….hence, my post today.

Click HERE to watch a little video of my introduction of our poster presentation and the three new doctors.

CARE Conference March 21/22, 2022

TITLE: Theory to Methods: Three Case Studies

Joan Wink, Ana York, Jade Herman, Dawn Wink



The purpose of this study, as represented in the poster, is twofold: First, it is to demonstrate distinct research methodologies, as used in three 2021 dissertations; and second, it is to demonstrate how theoretical foundations ground methodologies and inform their distinct research inquiries.

The Introduction of the poster will lay out a broad spectrum of theoretical foundations from multiple points of view, as understood by a senior scholar, Dr. Joan Wink, Professor Emerita of California State University, Stanislaus. All will be available via links in the RESOURCES.

Next, the poster will compare and contrast three very distinct doctoral dissertation methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods) representing the broad continuum of research.

Dr. Ana York, Assistant Professor, California State University, Stanislaus, will begin by sharing her research, in which she used quantitative methods.

Dr. Jade Herman, Chief of Staff at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, will follow as she shares her research, in which she used qualitative and a quantitative method.

Dr. Dawn Wink, Associate Professor at Santa Fé Community College will then share her research, in which she used qualitative (Scholarly Personal Narrative) methods.

The participants who view this poster will learn the how-to of each method of the dissertations as the three doctoral scholars paint a portrait of their inquiry, sample size, theoretical foundation, methods, and findings. The Conclusion of the poster will emphasize the why of each of the processes as Dr. Joan Wink makes connections between theory and methodology.

What initiated this poster presentation?

Joan continues:

During 2020-2022, I was on several doctoral committees, and I observed how the experiences of three specific doctoral candidates were vastly different—depending on the program, the university, the chair of each committee, and the candidate herself.  As a veteran professor of languages, cultures, and philosophies, I appreciate how important it is for each graduate student or educational professional to understand the broad spectrum of philosophies, be able to articulate each, and to see how these various theories, perspectives, philosophies, turn from theory to practice in schools at all levels.

Meet Ana. Ana’s quantitative dissertation used a quasi-experimental, single-group, pretest-posttest design in her study of meditation.

Meet Jade. Jade’s mixed methods dissertation used intrinsic case study and transcendental phenomenology, plus a chi square test for contextual information in her study of an educational leadership program.

Meet Dawn. Dawn’s qualitative methods used Scholarly Personal Narrative (SPN), as she followed the Pre-search, Me-search, Re-search, and We-search methodology in her study of ecolinguistic.


In this presentation, we shared three different philosophies of education and how each affected the experiences of these three doctoral candidates and their research.  Our over-arching goal is that each viewer of this poster presentation will come away with a deeper understanding of, not only a broad view of the various educational philosophies, but also the ability to name and understand each to a greater degree.  Ultimately, we want each of viewers to understand their own philosophical grounding.


RESOURCES, plus a short abstract of each link.

These short stories explaining the theories/philosophies/points-of-view/perspectives will be holistically referred to as the “big ideas” which guide teaching and learning.

There are many ways to think about schools, and there are many philosophies guiding our beliefs about schools.  However, for our purpose, we are emphasizing the language which describes two, three, four, and five points-of-view. Different academic areas sometimes use other terms, synonyms, and descriptors for the basic “big ideas” or philosophies. (Joan Wink, 3.10.2022)


100 Years In A 1000 Words

First, A Little History.  I have tried to write 100 years of history in a 1000 words.  My goal is to tell a story about history.


Two Big Ideas: A Short Narrative by Joan Wink


Two Big Ideas on Teaching and Learning: A Visual by Jenny Thompson, 2007, CSUS.  Of course, there are not just two big ideas. In addition, a binary often limits our thinking.  However, qualitative and quantitative are often two methods we have all experienced in one way or another.  Frank Smith (1992) used, Classical and Official, to represent these two big ideas.  The ‘5 ism’s’ are often used by many foundational texts.


A Visual of 2 and 5 Big Ideas created by Natalie den Dulk Merrill while she was in my class in my graduate class, 2007.


The 5 ISM’s Maaria Thompson had fun summarizing these big ideas.


Elliot W. Eisner captures the notion of captures the notion of “Two Visions of Education” by using the terms:  Formalistic and Romantic. Teachers College Record, Date Published: November 07, 2005. ID Number: 12234, Date Accessed: 1/18/2006 10:56:19 AM


In Critical Pedagogy: Notes from The Real World, I referred to the three big ideas as transmission, generative, and transformative.  Others use the words, constructivist, constructionist, and/or social constructivist when they refer to 4 or even 5 big ideas.




Joan’s Sharing (Narrative)

Video Introduction by Joan Wink







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