Dear WinkWorld Readers,
In the past year, I published two WinkWorlds on my journey with Parkinson’s. In the first post, I said that it would also be my last on that topic. Obviously, that plan did not work. My new plan is to publish once or twice a year on this topic, in case it could help even one other person. I very much appreciate your many positive responses.
For me, Parkinson’s involves a Big Learning Curve
I suspect that I have had Parkinson’s for several years, but it was not officially diagnosed until last March 2024 in Tucson. At that time, I had also been struggling with a 4-month infection in my toe and too many rounds of antibiotics. I was not doing well, and my attitude was simply that now I would quietly slip into “that still night.”
I returned to the ranch in April and spent about a month researching Parkinson’s. I learned two things, which helped me immensely: First, no two cases of Parkinson’s are the same. Each of us has a unique path with the degenerative disease. Second, exercise is medicine, and the right meds are very helpful. This gave me hope, and I searched for specific guidance online and found many fabulous resources. (These are cited in the previous two WinkWorlds which are linked at the bottom of this post.) I will add to these online resources in this post also.
A year ago I couldn’t, and now I can…
A year ago I couldn’t write, and now I can. Not well. Slowly. And, not every day. But, if I know that I will have to sign my name, at least I now know that I will be able to do it. Losing my cursive handwriting has been one of my biggest challenges.
A year ago I couldn’t type on the computer, and now I can. Slowly. I have learned to use dictation, which is helpful. I have only recently noticed that I now often use my fingers to type, and not my dictation program. Texting on the phone still not possible, but the dictation works fairly well.
A year ago I couldn’t walk well and get around well without a cane or assistance, and now I can. I now walk two to four miles daily.
A year ago I couldn’t drive well, and now I can. In addition, I had a terrible time getting in and out of vehicles and fastening the seat belts. Don’t even ask me what it took to get in and out of Wink’s pickup. I had almost totally stopped driving as my arm ached constantly. I started with acupuncture and within a couple of months, the pain was gone. I remain pain free, and I am comfortable driving now. My personal best was a 5-hour trip alone one way in South Dakota.
A year ago I couldn’t get up and down off the floor, now I can. At PT and my Wellness exercise classes, we have to get down on our tummies, arms spread like Super Man, and then get up to do the next exercise. Several times in a row. Fast. While simultaneously doing a cognitive task (spelling, orally listing things in a category, etc.)! Turns out that there is greater cognitive benefit for us if we stack 2 or more physical exercises with a cognitive exercise–as opposed to perfecting any one activity. For example, my Wellness instructor (PT person) taped a large circle of blue tape on the floor and told me to walk the circle and stay only on the blue tape. While she timed me. Then she told me to count backwards by 7’s from 100 while walking the blue line on the floor, and being timed simultaneously. Tricky.
A year ago I couldn’t take care of myself physically, and now I can. I had trouble getting in and out of bed alone; getting dressed; and even getting my socks on alone. Dean, Dawn, and my Tucson friends/neighbors helped me. (Dawn has great stories…)
Cognitive challenges? I am holding steady on their tests.
My Parkinson’s is unique, but it is clear to me that if I had not done all of these exercises for the last several months, I would no longer be moving much.
My latest, greatest fav online resource is Rogue in Motion.
I love everything about Rogue, and now I use it as my primary resource.
Parkinson Wellness Recovery
I am only beginning to learn about this location, but I have heard nothing but good.
This was one of my first discoveries, and I think it is terrific.
Often referred to as:
LSVT Big and Loud
And/or LSVT Big
LSVT Global
LSVT Big Movements on youtube
Reposted below:
My first WinkWorld about Parkinson’s
Slide and Glide (or Loud and Proud)
June 21, 2024
My second WinkWorld about Parkinson’s
Boxing or Punching Parkinson’s
September 25, 2024
The next WinkWorld will highlight some of the fun things I have been doing in Tucson—other than my exercises.